
No Pay for No Work !? for Freelancers

As of the coming Sunday, the wine will be flowing at #ProWine 2024, the world’s leading trade fair for wine and spirits in Duesseldorf, Germany.
We almost forget that savoring fine drinks together was once a no go. It was only four years ago that the same fair was called off two weeks before it was due to open. You know the reason: COVID-19, what else? It was the first of numerous event cancelations that followed.
Actually, my job as an agent had already been completed. Negotiating and coordinating with eight interpreters was all for nothing.
But how could I dare to ask for cancellation fees? My difficulties were tiny compared to the astronomical damage suffered by the client. It was an act of God, really. Luckily, all my team interpreters cooperated.
I kept my entrance ticket as a reminder. Looking at this worthless piece of paper, one question comes up in my mind:
How can we safeguard ourselves from forces majeures?
Now in the days of labour disputes, this question is more relevant than ever. Railway and airport/airline workers frequently go on strike, sometimes at such short notice that travelers cannot find any alternative.
The client may well think “no pay for no work“. But the essence of good interpreting lies in good preparation work in advance. Costs have been indeed incurred before travelling to the place of assignment.
Are there any trade guidelines for us - interpreters or freelancers in general?
👉 Any input from colleagues or experts will be appreciated.
Meanwhile, I wish all visitors accident-free travel to the fair site. Enjoy your wine and good business!

#ActOfGot #forcesmajeure #TradePractice
