
Word of the Month

“Stay-at-Home Economy” now shifting to “Revenge Consumption” !?
時代は「巣ごもり需要」から「リベンジ消費」へ !?
As the number of new infections is on a steady decline in Japan, consumers are flocking at shopping malls there, so I heard. The stay-at-home (巣ごもり = nesting) economy, i.e. basically online shopping as a prime source of procurement, seems to be something of the past and in-person spending is now back in fashion. People seek a sense of self-reward (リベンジ= revenge) by fulfilling their pent-up demands.
And how do you say “revenge consumption” in German? I never heard of “Rachekäufe“ in this context. “Corona-Kaufrausch” would be understandable but sounds too flat. “Nachholbedarf” is perfectly fitting but not catchy enough. This lack of vocabulary clearly shows that consumers’ spending in Germany has simply not come back in full swing – due to ongoing inflation or lingering uncertainty in fear of a possibly rekindling of the infection.
Too bad. I can live well with revenge spending on #translations . Revenge business travels from Japan would also be nice.

#wortdesmonats #revengespending #revengeconsumption #nachholbedarf #stay -at-homeeconomy #巣ごもり需要 #リベンジ消費
