
Fortune Cookies with a Linguistic Twist

I found a witty souvenir during my holidays on the North Sea coast last week: Fortune cookies with wise words written in Low and High German. The cookie box comes with a small linguistic guide on Low German. Looking at a general rule of correspondence between the two languages (pf = p / ss, z, tz = t  /  t = d etc.) , I got a feeling of déjà vu - I’ve seen it before.
Back in my student days, Henry told me the same story in explaining the likeness of German and English (“The Making of English” by H. Bradley was a textbook for the comparative linguistic course I attended). Yes, it was called “die zweite Lautverschiebung”. High German went through this consonant shift while other tongues derived from the same proto-Germanic language such as English and Low German remain unaffected. Well, let me try my literacy in Low Germany with these cookies.
#comparativelinguistics #Lautverschiebung
