

Sukhāvatīvyūho nāma mahāyānasūtra



namaḥ sarvajñāya


如是我聞。一時仏、在舎衛国 祇樹給孤独園、与大比丘衆 千二百五十人。皆是大阿羅漢。衆所知識。

evaṁ mayā śrutaṁ / ekasmin samaye bhagavāñ śrāvastyāṁ viharati sma jetavane 'nāthapiṁḍadasyārāme mahatā bhikṣusaṁghena sārdham ardhatrayodaśabhir bhikṣuśatair abhijñānābhijñātaiḥ sthavirair mahāśrāvakaiḥ sarvair arhadbhiḥ /

※ ardhatrayodaśabhir =第十三个百人只是一半、つまり1250人 
  ardha=ひとつだけ半分, trayoda=13(僧団)

"In this way, I heard: At one time, the Blessed One was staying near Śrāvastī, in Jeta's Grove, Anāthapiṇḍada's park, accompanied by a great assembly of monks, twelve hundred fifty in number, all of whom were elders, great disciples, with great knowledge and insight, well-known and recognized, perfected, and liberated."



長老舎利弗 摩訶目犍連 摩訶迦葉 摩訶迦旃延 摩訶倶絺羅 離婆多 周利槃陀伽 難陀 阿難陀 羅睺羅 憍梵波提 賓頭盧頗羅堕 迦留陀夷 摩訶劫賓那 薄拘羅 阿㝹楼駄 如是等 


tadyathā sthavireṇa ca śāriputreṇa mahāmaudgalyāyanena ca mahākāśyapena
ca mahākapphiṇena ca mahākātyāyanena ca mahākauṣṭhilena ca revatena ca śuddhipaṁthakena ca naṁdena cānaṁdena ca rāhulena ca gavāṁpatinā ca bharadvājena ca kālodayinā ca vakkulena cāniruddhena ca /

"Just as by the elder Śāriputra, by the great Maudgalyāyana, by the great Kāśyapa, by the great Kapphiṇa, by the great Kātyāyana, by the great Kauṣṭhila, by Revata, by Śuddhipaṁthaka, by Nanda, by Ānanda, by Rāhula, by the leader of the cows (Gavāṁpati), by Bharadvāja, by Kālodayin, by Vakkula, by Aniruddha, and so on."



諸大弟子、幷諸菩薩摩訶薩 文殊師利法王子 阿逸多菩薩 乾陀訶提菩薩 常精進菩薩、与如是等 諸大菩薩、及釈提桓因等 無量諸天 大衆倶。


etaiś cānyaiś ca saṁbahulair mahāśrāvakaiḥ saṁbahulaiś ca bodhisattvair
mahāsattvaiḥ /
tadyathā maṁjuśriyā ca kumārabhūtenājitena ca bodhisattvena gaṁdhahastinā ca bodhisattvena nityodyuktena ca bodhisattvenānikṣiptadhureṇa ca bodhisattvena /
etaiś cānyaiś ca saṁbahulair bodhisattvair mahāsattvaiḥ /
śakreṇa ca devānām iṁdreṇa brahmaṇā ca sahāṁpatinā /
etaiś cānyaiś ca saṁbahulair devaputranayutaśatasahasraiḥ //



爾時仏告 長老舎利弗、従是西方、過十万億仏土、有世界、名曰極楽。其土有仏、号阿弥陀。今現在説法。舎利弗、彼土何故 名為極楽。其国衆生、無有衆苦、但受諸楽、故名極楽。


tatra khalu bhagavān āyuṣmaṁtaṁ śāriputram āmaṁtrayati sma /
asti śāriputra paścime digbhāga ito buddhakṣetraṁ koṭiśatasahasraṁ buddhakṣetrāṇām atikramya sukhāvatī nāma lokadhātuḥ /
tatrāmitāyurnāma tathāgato 'rhan samyaksaṁbuddha etarhi tiṣṭhati dhriyate yāpayati dharmaṁ ca deśayati /
tat kiṁ manyase śāriputra kena kāraṇena sā lokadhātuḥ sukhāvatīty ucyate /
tatra khalu punaḥ śāriputra sukhāvatyāṁ lokadhātau nāsti sattvānāṁ kāyaduḥkhaṁ na cittaduḥkhaṁ apramāṇāny eva sukhakāraṇāni /
tena kāraṇena sā lokadhātuḥ sukhāvatīty ucyate /

"There, indeed, the Blessed One addressed Śāriputra, 'Śāriputra, there is a western direction from here, beyond one hundred thousand Buddha fields, a realm called Sukhāvatī. In that realm, the Tathāgata, Arhat, the Perfectly Enlightened One named Amitāyus currently resides. He upholds, inspires, and teaches the Dharma. Śāriputra, what do you think? For what reason is that realm called Sukhāvatī?

Again, Śāriputra, in the realm of Sukhāvatī, there is no physical suffering, no mental suffering, only immeasurable causes of happiness. For this reason, that realm is called Sukhāvatī."



又舎利弗、極楽国土、七重欄楯 七重羅網 七重行樹。皆是四宝、周帀囲繞。是故彼国、名曰極楽。


punar aparaṁ śāriputra sukhāvatī lokadhātuḥ saptabhir vedikābhiḥ saptabhis tālapaṁktibhiḥ kiṁkiṇījālaiś ca samalaṁkṛtā samaṁtato 'nuparikṣiptā citrā darśanīyā caturṇāṁ ratnānāṁ /
tadyathā suvarṇasya rūpyasya vaiḍūryasya sphaṭikasya /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ /

"Furthermore, Śāriputra, Sukhāvatī, the realm, is adorned on all sides with seven rows of railings, seven rows of palm trees, various nets, and is completely covered. It is surrounded everywhere by an array of wondrous and beautiful jeweled pavilions, displaying an assembly of four types of jewels—such as gold, silver, beryl, and crystal. In this manner, Śāriputra, the Buddha field is adorned with an array of qualities.

Similarly, Śāriputra, with qualities like those – adorned with the qualities of the Buddha field – is that Buddha field."



又舎利弗、極楽国土、有七宝池。八功徳水 充満其中。池底純以 金沙布地。四辺階道、金銀瑠璃 玻瓈合成。上有楼閣、亦以金銀瑠璃 玻瓈硨磲 赤珠碼碯、而厳飾之。池中蓮華、大如車輪。青色青光、黄色黄光、赤色赤光、白色白光。微妙香潔。舎利弗、極楽国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。


punar aparaṁ śāriputra sukhāvatyāṁ lokadhātau saptaratnamayyaḥ puṣkariṇyaḥ /
tadyathā suvarṇasya rūpyasya vaiḍūryasya sphaṭikasya lohita-
muktasyāśmagarbhasya musāragalvasya saptamasya ratnasya / aṣṭāṁgopetavāri-paripūrṇāḥ samatīrthakāḥ kākapeyā suvarṇavālukāsaṁstṛtāḥ /
tāsu ca puṣkariṇīṣu samaṁtāc caturdiśaṁ catvāri sopānāni citrāṇi
darśanīyāni caturṇāṁ ratnānāṁ /
tadyathā suvarṇasya rūpyasya vaiḍūryasya sphaṭikasya /
tāsāṁ ca puṣkariṇīnāṁ samaṁtād ratnavṛkṣā jātāś citrā darśanīyā saptānāṁ ratnānāṁ /
tadyathā suvarṇasya rūpyasya vaiḍūryasya sphaṭikasya lohitamuktasyāśmagarbhasya musāragalvasya saptamasya ratnasya /
tāsu ca puṣkariṇīṣu saṁti padmāni jātāni nīlāni nīlavarṇāni nīlanirbhāsāni nīlanidarśanāni /
pītāni pītavarṇāni pītanirbhāsāni pītanidarśanāni /
lohitāni lohitavarṇāni lohitanirbhāsāni lohitanidarśanāni /
avadātāny avadātavarṇāny avadātanirbhāsāny avadātanidarśanāni /
citrāṇi citravarṇāni citranirbhāsāni citranidarśanāni
śakaṭacakra-pramāṇapariṇāhāni /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ /

"Again, Śāriputra, in the Buddha field of Sukhāvatī, there are seven jewel-filled ponds made of gold, silver, beryl, crystal, coral, ruby and emerald.
These ponds are filled with water imbued with the eight virtues and surrounded by sandbanks of golden gravel. In these ponds, there are beautiful and ornate staircases in all four directions, adorned with a variety of jewels which are made of gold, silver, beryl and crystal.
These staircases surround the ponds on all sides, and in those ponds, there have arisen jewel trees, beautiful and worth seeing, adorned with seven types of jewels all made of gold, silver, beryl, crystal, coral, ruby and emerald.
In those ponds, lotus flowers have emerged, each of various colors with blue, yellow, red and white. They shine with a radiance of their respective colors. The dimensions of these lotus flowers are vast, like the circumference of a cartwheel. Śāriputra, in this way, the Buddha field is adorned with qualities, like those qualities of the Buddha field."



又舎利弗、彼仏国土、常作天楽。黄金為地。昼夜六時、而雨曼陀羅華。其国衆生、常以清旦、各以衣裓、盛衆妙華、供養他方 十万億仏。即以食時、還到本国、飯食経行。舎利弗、極楽国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。


punar aparaṁ śāriputra tatra buddhakṣetre nityapravāditāni divyāni tūryāṇi suvarṇavarṇā ca mahāpṛthivī ramaṇīyā /
tatra ca buddhakṣetre triṣkṛtvo rātrau triṣkṛtvo divasasya puṣpavarṣaṁ pravarṣati divyānāṁ māṁdāravapuṣpāṇāṁ /
tatra ye sattvā upapannās ta ekena purobhaktena koṭiśatasahasraṁ buddhānāṁ vaṁdaṁty anyāṁl lokadhātūn gatvā /
ekaikaṁ ca tathāgataṁ koṭiśatasahasrābhiḥ puṣpavṛṣṭibhir abhyavakīrya punar api tām eva lokadhātum āgacchaṁti divāvihārāya /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ

"Furthermore, Śāriputra, in that Buddha field, heavenly celestial sounds are continuously proclaimed. The great earth there is of a golden hue and delightful. In that Buddha field, three times during the night and three times during the day, there is a rain of divine Mandāra flowers.
Among those beings who are reborn there, each of them praises hundreds of thousands of Buddhas with a single voice, then proceeds to visit other Buddha fields, showering each Tathāgata there with a rain of flowers numbering in the billions. After that, they return to that very Buddha field for daytime activities.
Śāriputra, in this manner, the Buddha field is adorned with qualities like those."



復次舎利弗、彼国常有 種種奇妙 雑色之鳥。白鵠孔雀 鸚鵡舎利 迦陵頻伽 共命之鳥。是諸衆鳥、昼夜六時 出和雅音。其音演暢 五根五力 七菩提分 八聖道分 如是等法。其土衆生、聞是音已、皆悉念仏念法念僧


punar aparaṁ śāriputra tatra buddhakṣetre saṁti haṁsāḥ kraiṁcā mayūrāś ca /
te triṣkṛtvo rātrau triṣkṛtvo divasasya saṁnipatya saṁgītiṁ kurvaṁti sma svakasvakāni ca rutāni pravyāharaṁti /
teṣāṁ pravyāharatām iṁdriyabalabodhyaṁgaśabdo niścarati /
tatra teṣāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ taṁ śabdaṁ śrutvā buddhamanasikāra utpadyate dharmamanasikāra utpadyate saṁghamanasikāra utpadyate //

"Furthermore, Śāriputra, in that Buddha field, there are swans, cranes, and peacocks. They, three times during the night and three times during the day, come together, producing harmonious songs, each uttering their distinctive sounds.
As these sounds are heard, the faculty of hearing, strength, and mindfulness of the beings among them are awakened. Upon hearing these sounds, thoughts of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha arise in the minds of those human beings."



舎利弗、汝勿謂此鳥 実是罪報所生。所以者何。彼仏国土、無三悪趣。舎利弗、其仏国土、尚無三悪道之名。何況有実 是諸衆鳥。皆是阿弥陀仏、欲令法音宣流、変化所作。


tat kiṁ manyase śāriputra tiryagyonigatās te sattvāḥ /
na punar evaṁ draṣṭavyaṁ /
tat kasmād dhetoḥ /
nāmāpi śāriputra tatra buddhakṣetre nirayāṇāṁ nāsti tiryagyonīnāṁ yamalokasya nāsti /
te punaḥ pakṣisaṁghās tenāmitāyuṣā tathāgatena nirmitā dharmaśabdaṁ niścārayaṁti /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ

"What do you think, Śāriputra? Those beings who have gone to the animal realms, is it not to be understood in this way? Why is that? Śāriputra, even the names of hells are not there in that Buddha field, nor is there the animal realm, nor the realm of Yama (the lord of death).
Those bird assemblies, created by the Tathāgata Amitāyus with immeasurable lifespan, again chant the sounds of the Dharma. In this way, Śāriputra, the Buddha field is adorned with qualities like those."



舎利弗、彼仏国土、微風吹動 諸宝行樹 及宝羅網、出微妙音。譬如百千種楽 同時倶作。聞是音者、皆自然生 念仏念法念僧之心。舎利弗、其仏国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。


punar aparaṁ śāriputra tatra buddhakṣetre tāsāṁ ca tālapaṁktīnāṁ teṣāṁ ca kiṁkiṇījālānāṁ vāteritānāṁ valgur manojñaḥ śabdo niścarati /
tadyathāpi nāma śāriputra koṭiśatasahasrāṁgikasya divyasya tūryasya cāryaiḥ saṁpravāditasya valgur manojñaḥ śabdo niścarati evam eva śāriputra tāsāṁ ca tālapaṁktīnāṁ teṣāṁ ca kiṁkiṇījālānāṁ vāteritānāṁ valgur manojñaḥ śabdo niścarati /
tatra teṣāṁ manuṣyāṇāṁ taṁ śabdaṁ śrutvā buddhānusmṛtiḥ kāye saṁtiṣṭhati dharmānusmṛtiḥ kāye saṁtiṣṭhati saṁghānusmṛtiḥ kāye saṁtiṣṭhati /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ /

"Furthermore, Śāriputra, in that Buddha field, a pleasing sound emanates from the rows of palm trees and from the various nets and flags.
Just as, Śāriputra, a pleasing sound arises from a divine musical instrument played with a hundred thousand keys, similarly, in the same way, a pleasing sound emanates from the rows of palm trees and from the various nets and flags.
Upon hearing that sound, mindfulness of the Buddha arises in the minds of those human beings. Mindfulness of the Dharma arises in the minds of those human beings. Mindfulness of the Sangha arises in the minds of those human beings.
In this way, Śāriputra, the Buddha field is adorned with qualities like those."



舎利弗、於汝意云何。彼仏何故 号阿弥陀。舎利弗、彼仏光明無量、照十方国、無所障碍、是故号為阿弥陀。又舎利弗、彼仏寿命 及其人民、無量無辺 阿僧祇劫、故名阿弥陀。舎利弗、阿弥陀仏、成仏已来、於今十劫。


tat kiṁ manyase śāriputra kena kāraṇena sa tathāgato 'mitāyur nāmocyate /
tasya khalu punaḥ śāriputra tathāgatasya teṣāṁ ca manuṣyāṇāmaparimitam āyuḥpramāṇaṁ /
tena kāraṇena sa tathāgato 'mitāyur nāmocyate /
tasya ca śāriputra tathāgatasya daśa kalpā anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbuddhasya /
tat kiṁ manyase śāriputra kena kāraṇena sa tathāgato 'mitābho nāmocyate /
tasya khalu punaḥ śāriputra tathāgatasyābhāpratihatā sarvabuddhakṣetreṣu / tena kāraṇena sa tathāgato 'mitābho nāmocyate //
tasya ca śāriputra tathāgatasyāprameyaḥ śrāvakasaṁgho yeṣāṁ na sukaraṁ
pramāṇam ākhyātuṁ śuddhānām arhatāṁ /
evaṁrūpaiḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetraguṇavyūhaiḥ samalaṁkṛtaṁ tadbuddhakṣetraṁ

"What do you think, Śāriputra? For what reason is he called the Tathāgata 'Amitāyus'? Indeed, Śāriputra, the Tathāgata Amitāyus has an immeasurable lifespan for those beings and an immeasurable measure of lifespan.
For this reason, he is called the Tathāgata 'Amitāyus.' And, Śāriputra, the Tathāgata Amitāyus has attained unsurpassed, perfect enlightenment in ten incalculable eons, in all the Buddha fields.
What do you think, Śāriputra? For what reason is he called the Tathāgata 'Amitābha'? Indeed, Śāriputra, the radiance of the Tathāgata Amitābha is unmatched in all the Buddha fields.
For this reason, he is called the Tathāgata 'Amitābha.' And, Śāriputra, the assembly of Śrāvakas of the Tathāgata Amitābha, whose purity is difficult to measure, is immeasurable.
In this way, Śāriputra, the Buddha field is adorned with qualities like those."



又舎利弗、彼仏有無量無辺 声聞弟子、皆阿羅漢。非是算数 之所能知。諸菩薩衆 亦復如是。舎利弗、彼仏国土、成就如是 功徳荘厳。
又舎利弗、極楽国土 衆生生者、皆是阿鞞跋致。其中多有一生補処、其数甚多。非是算数 所能知之。但可以無量無辺 阿僧祇劫説。舎利弗、衆生聞者、応当発願 願生彼国。
所以者何。得与如是 諸上善人 倶会一処。舎利弗、不可以少善根 福徳因縁 得生彼国。
舎利弗、若有善男子善女人、聞説阿弥陀仏、執持名号、若一日、若二日、若三日、若四日、若五日、若六日、若七日、一心不乱、其人臨命終時、阿弥陀仏、与諸聖衆、現在其前。是人終時、心不顚倒、即得往生 阿弥陀仏 極楽国土。舎利弗、我見是利 故説此言。若有衆生 聞是説者、応当発願 生彼国土。


punar aparaṁ śāriputra ye 'mitāyuṣas tathāgatasya buddhakṣetre sattvā
upapannāḥ śuddhā bodhisattvā avinivartanīyā ekajātipratibaddhās teṣāṁ śāriputra bodhisattvānāṁ na sukaraṁ pramāṇam ākhyātum anyatrāprameyāsaṁkhyeyā iti saṁkhyāṁ gacchaṁti //
tatra khalu punaḥ śāriputra buddhakṣetre sattvaiḥ praṇidhānaṁ kartavyaṁ /
tat kasmād dhetoḥ /
yatra hi nāma tathārūpaiḥ satpuruṣaiḥ saha samavadhānaṁ bhavati /
nāvaramātrakeṇa śāriputra kuśalamūlenāmitāyuṣas tathāgatasya buddhakṣetre sattvā upapadyaṁte /
yaḥ kaścic chāriputra kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā tasya bhagavato 'mitāyuṣas tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṁ śroṣyati śrutvā ca manasikariṣyati ekarātraṁ vā dvirātraṁ vā trirātraṁ vā catūrātraṁ vā paṁcarātraṁ vā ṣaḍrātraṁ vā saptarātraṁ vāvikṣiptacitto manasikariṣyati yadā sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā kālaṁ kariṣyati tasya kālaṁ kurvataḥ so 'mitāyus tathāgataḥ śrāvakasaṁghaparivṛto bodhisattvagaṇapuraskṛtaḥ purataḥ sthāsyati so 'viparyastacittaḥ kālaṁ kariṣyati ca /
sa kālaṁ krtvā tasyaivāmitāyuṣas tathāgatasya buddhakṣetre sukhāvatyāṁ
lokadhātāv upapatsyate /
tasmāt tarhi śāriputra idam arthavaśam saṁpaśyamāna evaṁ vadāmi satkṛtya kulaputreṇa vā kuladuhitrā vā tatra buddhakṣetre cittapraṇidhānaṁ kartavyaṁ /

※ rātraṁ=夜

"Furthermore, Śāriputra, those beings born in the Buddha field of the Tathāgata with immeasurable lifespans, pure Bodhisattvas, unretreating, and bound by a single vow, Śāriputra, for those Bodhisattvas, it is not easy to express a measure elsewhere, for it is immeasurable and innumerable. They go by the term 'immeasurable, innumerable.'
Now, Śāriputra, in the Buddha field, there should be devotion from beings. For what reason? Because, Śāriputra, when there is mindfulness, enthusiasm, and dedication from noble beings in such a manner, it is not merely by a trivial cause that beings with immeasurable lifespans are born in the Buddha field of the Tathāgata. If, Śāriputra, a son or daughter of noble lineage, upon hearing the name 'Amitāyus,' sets their mind on it, whether for one night, two nights, three nights, four nights, five nights, six nights, or seven nights, and directs their mind without distraction, when that son or daughter of noble lineage, having determined the time, performs an action, Amitāyus Tathāgata, surrounded by the assembly of disciples and Bodhisattvas, will stand before them. With a serene mind and reversed intentions, they will create the time. Having created the time, they will be reborn in the Buddha field of Amitāyus Tathāgata in the Sukhāvatī, the Land of Bliss.
Therefore, Śāriputra, I say this: If a son or daughter of noble lineage, with a respectful mind, devotes themselves to mindfulness in such a way in the Buddha field of the Tathāgata, be it a son of noble lineage or a daughter of noble lineage, they will be reborn in the Buddha field of the Tathāgata with immeasurable lifespans and surrounded by a community of disciples and Bodhisattvas."



舎利弗、如我今者 讃歎阿弥陀仏 不可思議功徳、東方亦有 阿閦鞞仏 須弥相仏 大須弥仏 須弥光仏 妙音仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。


tadyathāpi nāma śāriputra aham etarhi tāṁ parikīrtayāmi evam eva
śāriputra pūrvasyāṁ diśy akṣobhyo nāma tathāgato merudhvajo nāma
tathāgato mahāmerur nāma tathāgato meruprabhāso nāma tathāgato
maṁjudhvajo nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhāḥ śāriputra pūrvasyāṁ diśi
gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni buddhakṣetrāṇi
jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti /
pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇa-parikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"Just as, Śāriputra, I am now praising it, in the same way, Śāriputra, in the eastern direction, there is a Tathāgata named Akṣobhya. There is a Tathāgata named Merudhvaja, a Tathāgata named Mahāmeru, a Tathāgata named Meruprabhāsa, and a Tathāgata named Maṇjudhvaja. In this way, Śāriputra, in the eastern direction, there are Buddhas, Bhagavāns, each with their own Buddha fields. With their tongues, they cover their own Buddha fields like the palm of the hand, obscuring them and making them inviolable.
In this manner, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、南方世界、有日月燈仏 名聞光仏 大焰肩仏 須弥燈仏 無量精進仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。


evaṁ dakṣiṇasyāṁ diśi caṁdrasūryapradīpo nāma tathāgato yaśaḥprabho
nāma tathāgato mahārciskaṁdho nāma tathāgato merupradīpo nāma
tathāgato 'naṁtavīryo nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhāḥ śāriputra dakṣiṇasyāṁ
diśi gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni
buddhakṣetrāṇi jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti / pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇaparikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"Just as, Śāriputra, in the southern direction, there is a Tathāgata named Candrasūryapradīpa. There is a Tathāgata named Yaśaḥprabha, a Tathāgata named Mahārciskaṁdha, a Tathāgata named Merupradīpa, and a Tathāgata named Anantavīrya. In this way, Śāriputra, in the southern direction, there are Buddhas, Bhagavāns, each with their own Buddha fields. With their tongues, they cover their own Buddha fields like the palm of the hand, obscuring them and making them inviolable.
In this manner, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、西方世界、有無量寿仏 無量相仏 無量幢仏 大光仏 大明仏 宝相仏 浄光仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経


evaṁ paścimāyāṁ diśy amitāyur nāma tathāgato 'mitaskaṁdho nāma
tathāgato 'mitadhvajo nāma tathāgato mahāprabho nāma tathāgato
mahāratnaketur nāma tathāgataḥ śuddharaśmiprabho nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhāḥ śāriputra paścimāyāṁ diśi gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā
bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni buddhakṣetrāṇi jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā
nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti /
pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇaparikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"Just as, Śāriputra, in the western direction, there is a Tathāgata named Amitāyur. There is a Tathāgata named Amitaskandha, a Tathāgata named Amitadhvaja, a Tathāgata named Mahāprabha, a Tathāgata named Mahāratnaketudhvaja, and a Tathāgata named Śuddharaśmiprabha. In this way, Śāriputra, in the western direction, there are Buddhas, Bhagavāns, each with their own Buddha fields. With their tongues, they cover their own Buddha fields like the palm of the hand, obscuring them and making them inviolable.
In this manner, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、北方世界、有焰肩仏 最勝音仏 難沮仏 日生仏 網明仏 如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。


evam uttarāyāṁ diśi mahārciskaṁdho nāma tathāgato vaiśvānaranirghoṣo
nāma tathāgato duṁdubhisvaranirghoṣo nāma tathāgato duṣpradharṣo nāma tathāgata ādityasaṁbhavo nāma tathāgato jaleniprabho nāma tathāgataḥ prabhākaro nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhā śāriputrottarāyāṁ diśi gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni buddhakṣetrāṇi jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti /
pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇaparikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma
dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"So also, Śāriputra, in the northern direction, there is a Tathāgata named Mahārciskandha. There is a Tathāgata named Vaiśvānaranirghoṣa, a Tathāgata named Duṁdubhisvaranirghoṣa, a Tathāgata named Duṣpradharṣa, a Tathāgata named Ādityasaṁbhava, a Tathāgata named Jaleniprabha, and a Tathāgata named Prabhākara. In this way, Śāriputra, in the northern direction, there are Buddhas, Bhagavāns, each with their own Buddha fields. With their tongues, they cover their own Buddha fields like the palm of the hand, obscuring them and making them inviolable.
In this manner, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、下方世界、有師子仏 名聞仏 名光仏 達摩仏 法幢仏 持法仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。


evam adhastāyāṁ diśi siṁho nāma tathāgato yaśo nāma tathāgato
yaśaḥprabhāso nāma tathāgato dharmo nāma tathāgato dharmadharo
nāma tathāgato dharmadhvajo nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhāḥ śāriputrādhastāyāṁ diśi gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni buddhakṣetrāṇi jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti /
pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇaparikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma
dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"So also, Śāriputra, in the southern direction, there is a Tathāgata named Siṁha. There is a Tathāgata named Yaśo, a Tathāgata named Yaśaḥprabhāsa, a Tathāgata named Dharma, a Tathāgata named Dharmadhara, and a Tathāgata named Dharmadhvaja. In this way, Śāriputra, in the southern direction, there are Buddhas, Bhagavāns, each with their own Buddha fields. With their tongues, they cover their own Buddha fields like the palm of the hand, obscuring them and making them inviolable.
In this manner, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、上方世界、有梵音仏 宿王仏 香上仏 香光仏 大焰肩仏 雑色宝華厳身仏 娑羅樹王仏 宝華徳仏 見一切義仏 如須弥山仏、如是等 恒河沙数諸仏、各於其国、出広長舌相、遍覆三千大千世界、説誠実言。汝等衆生、当信是称讃 不可思議功徳 一切諸仏 所護念経。


evam upariṣṭhāyāṁ diśi brahmaghoṣo nāma tathāgato nakṣatrarājo nāma tathāgata iṁdraketudhvajarājo nāma tathāgato gaṁdhottamo nāma tathāgato gaṁdhaprabhāso nāma tathāgato mahārciskaṁdho nāma tathāgato ratnakusumasaṁpuṣpitagātro nāma tathāgataḥ sāleṁdrarājo nāma tathāgato ratnotpalaśrīr nāma tathāgataḥ sarvārthadarśo nāma tathāgataḥ sumerukalpo nāma tathāgata evaṁpramukhāḥ śāriputropariṣṭhāyāṁ diśi gaṁgānadīvālukopamā buddhā bhagavaṁtaḥ svakasvakāni buddhakṣetrāṇi jihveṁdriyeṇa saṁcchādayitvā nirveṭhanaṁ kurvaṁti /
pratīyatha yūyam idam aciṁtyaguṇaparikīrtanaṁ sarvabuddhaparigrahaṁ nāma dharmaparyāyaṁ /

"So also, Śāriputra, in the upper direction, there is a Tathāgata named Brahmaghoṣa. There is a Tathāgata named Nakṣatrarāja, a Tathāgata named Iṁdraketudhvajarāja, a Tathāgata named Gaṁdhottama, a Tathāgata named Gaṁdhaprabhāsa, a Tathāgata named Mahārciskaṁdha, a Tathāgata named Ratnakusumasaṁpuṣpitagātra, a Tathāgata named Sāleṁdrarāja, a Tathāgata named Ratnotpalaśrī, a Tathāgata named Sarvārthadarśa, a Tathāgata named Sumerukalpa.
In this way, Śāriputra, in each direction, the Buddhas, Bhagavāns, glorify their respective Buddha fields, proclaiming the inconceivable qualities, and expounding the Dharma, known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas.'"



舎利弗、於汝意云何。何故名為 一切諸仏 所護念経。舎利弗、若有善男子善女人、聞是諸仏所説名 及経名者、是諸善男子善女人、皆為一切諸仏、共所護念、皆得不退転 於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。是故舎利弗、汝等皆当 信受我語 及諸仏所説。舎利弗、若有人、已発願、今発願、当発願、欲生阿弥陀仏国者、是諸人等、皆得不退転 於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、於彼国土、若已生、若今生、若当生。是故舎利弗、諸善男子善女人、若有信者、応当発願 生彼国土。


tat kiṁ manyase śāriputra kena kāraṇenāyaṁ dharmaparyāyaḥ sarvabuddhaparigraho nāmocyate /
ye kecic chāriputra kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vāsya dharmaparyāyasya nāmadheyaṁ śroṣyaṁti teṣāṁ ca buddhānāṁ bhagavatāṁ nāmadheyaṁ dhārayiṣyaṁti sarve te buddhaparigṛhītā bhaviṣyaṁty avinivartanīyāś ca bhaviṣyaṁty anuttarāyāṁ samyaksaṁbodhau /
tasmāt tarhi śāriputra śraddadhādhvaṁ pratīyatha mākāṁkṣayatha mama ca teṣāṁ ca buddhānāṁ bhagavatāṁ /
ye kecic chāriputra kulaputrā vā kuladuhitaro vā tasya bhagavato 'mitāyuṣas tathāgatasya buddhakṣetre cittapraṇidhānaṁ kariṣyaṁti kṛtaṁ vā kurvaṁti vā sarve te 'vinivartanīyā bhaviṣyaṁty anuttarāyāṁ samyaksaṁbodhau tatra ca buddhakṣetra upapatsyaṁty upapannā vopapadyaṁti vā /
tasmāt tarhi śāriputra śrāddhaiḥ kulaputraiḥ kuladuhitṛbhiś ca tatra buddhakṣetre cittapraṇidhir utpādayitavyaḥ

"So what do you think, Śāriputra? For what reason is this collection of qualities of the Dharma known as 'all-encompassing collection of qualities of all Buddhas'?
Śāriputra, those sons or daughters of good family who hear the name of this Dharma collection, whether sons of good family or daughters of good family, all those Buddhas, Bhagavāns, have grasped and will grasp this name. They will become irreversible, and they will achieve the incomparable perfect enlightenment. Therefore, Śāriputra, have faith, have trust.
Consider and have no doubts in your mind. For those sons or daughters of good family who make, have made, or will make aspirations in the Buddha field of that Tathāgata of immeasurable lifespan, they will all become irreversible and will achieve perfect enlightenment in the unsurpassed perfect enlightenment. There, in that Buddha field, they will be born and emerge.
Therefore, Śāriputra, a son of good family or a daughter of good family should establish their mind's aspiration in that Buddha field with faith."



舎利弗、如我今者 称讃諸仏 不可思議功徳、彼諸仏等 亦称説我 不可思議功徳、而作是言。釈迦牟尼仏、能為甚難 希有之事、能於娑婆国土 五濁悪世、劫濁 見濁 煩悩濁 衆生濁 命濁中、得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、為諸衆生、説是一切世間 難信之法。


tadyathāpi nāma śāriputrāham etarhi teṣāṁ buddhānāṁ bhagavatām evamaciṁtyaguṇān parikīrtayāmi evam eva śāriputra mamāpi te buddhā  bhagavaṁta evamaciṁtyaguṇān parikīrtayaṁti /
suduṣkaraṁ bhagavatā śākyamuninā śākyādhirājena kṛtaṁ /
sahāyāṁ lokadhātāv anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbudhya sarvalokavipratyayanīyo dharmo deśitaḥ kalpakaṣāye sattvakaṣāye dṛṣṭikaṣāya āyuṣkaṣāye kleśakaṣāye /

Just as, Śāriputra, I am now praising the inconceivable qualities of those Buddhas, the Blessed Ones, in the same way, Śāriputra, those Buddhas, the Blessed Ones, are also praising my inconceivable qualities. The Dharma was taught by the Bhagavān Śākyamuni, the King of the Śākyas, which is very difficult to perform. It was taught to guide beings to the unsurpassed perfect enlightenment in this world, the realm of beings. It was taught for the sake of beings' welfare, longevity, vision, and the end of afflictions in the eon of cosmic expansion.



舎利弗、当知我於 五濁悪世、行此難事、得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提、為一切世間、説此難信之法。是為甚難。


tan mamāpi śāriputra paramaduṣkaraṁ yan mayā sahāyāṁ lokadhātāv
anuttarāṁ samyaksaṁbodhim abhisaṁbudhya sarvalokavipratyayanīyo dharmo
deśitaḥ sattvakaṣāye dṛṣṭikaṣāye kleśakaṣāya āyuṣkaṣāye kalpakaṣāye /

That, Śāriputra, which has been taught by me, is also extremely difficult—unattainable by anyone else—in the world, the realm of beings. It is the unsurpassed perfect enlightenment, which is taught for the sake of beings' welfare, longevity, vision, and the end of afflictions, in the eon of cosmic contraction.



仏説此経已、舎利弗、及諸比丘 一切世間 天人阿修羅等、聞仏所説、歓喜信受、作礼而去。


idam avocad bhagavān āttamanāḥ/
āyuṣmāñ śāriputras te ca bhikṣavas te ca bodhisattvāḥ sadevamānuṣāsuragaṁdharvaś ca loko bhagavato bhāsitam abhyanaṁdan /

This, the Blessed One said: Śāriputra, monks, and bodhisattvas, along with gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas, all rejoiced at the words spoken by the Blessed One.




// sukhāvatīvyūho nāma mahāyānasūtraṁ //
