




  • 車両大全


  • 鉄道旅④ 第1章 ~年末年始の大旅行・池袋➔掛川~


  • 方向幕クイズまとめ


  • 偉人伝


  • 鉄道旅③ ~初めての新幹線~ No.15~No.20

    この記事はこの記事は僕が初めて一人で静岡へ新幹線に乗りに行った内容です。 1回目は工程決め、2回目からが実際の旅です。是非旅の参考にして下さい。



お久しぶりです、harusukeです。 今日はこの前の休みにふらっと思いつきで大回りをしてきたのでその話をしようと思います。 目的地は高崎。 今まで夢だった八高線全線乗破をやるために、高崎まで1日で行ってきました。 それでは詳細を話しましょう! 1.新秋津▶︎八王子まずは新秋津でマルス券タイプの乗車券を購入。このタイプになると遠くにいく気がしてとてもワクワしてきます! 今日は八高線で高崎に行くので、新秋津から武蔵野線で西国分寺、西国分寺から八王子まで中央線、八王子から高

    • お久しぶりです、harusukeです。 最近また投稿が滞ってしまい、すいません… これからテスト期間に入るので、定期的な投稿は難しいかと思いますが、なるべく投稿はしていきたいです。 先程イギリス旅行日記最終話を挙げました。これからもharusukeをよろしくお願いします。

      • Day12❷

        Boarding time came. We got on the airplane, and sit the seats. Fortunately, our seats are close, and my seat was also very nice. The seat is 3rd seat from window, and 2nd seat was vacant! Moreover, 1st seat was my friend’s one. I’ll be able

        • Day12❶

          Today, we left sports center at 7:45, and went to church first. Stroud is a place where the people who wrote “Locomotive Thomas” borned, so there is a nice stained glass of Thomas in the church. We saw it a bit, and we went to Winzer castle


        • お久しぶりです、harusukeです。 最近また投稿が滞ってしまい、すいません… これからテスト期間に入るので、定期的な投稿は難しいかと思いますが、なるべく投稿はしていきたいです。 先程イギリス旅行日記最終話を挙げました。これからもharusukeをよろしくお願いします。


        • 車両大全
        • 鉄道旅④ 第1章 ~年末年始の大旅行・池袋➔掛川~
        • 方向幕クイズまとめ
        • 偉人伝
        • 鉄道旅③ ~初めての新幹線~ No.15~No.20
        • 鉄道旅② ~最初で最後の185系~ No.7~No,14



          We had a presentation today, so we prepared for it what to talk about first. I decided to talk about differences between Europe hard water and Japanese soft water. Everyone made a nice speech, but I could do well too. We couldn’t read the s


          It was the day to go to London! I really enjoyed travelling there. First, we took on a bus at 7:45. It was about 2 hours from school to London. We went to visit city of Westminster first. We saw many beautiful places such as loyal palace, “


          I had a class until 10:50 because today is the day we go to Oxford. We prepared questions for ask the students of Oxford. We went to Oxford by bus for an hour and 50 minutes. We ate lunch at the service area before arriving Oxford. We saw m


          I went to school and made a presentation of difference of University between Japan and UK. I also ate England traditional food too. It was really good. Some of them such as marmite were not so good, but I enjoyed eating it. I liked to eat d


          I ate formal English breakfast (bacon, eggs, and beans). It was good. After that, I went to Swindon with my sister by train to go to train museum. We left home at 9:30, and we went to Stroud train station for 20 minutes. The commuter train

          Day6 ❷

          I went to black berry picking with mother and sister after she finished her homework. We went a spot we can get lots of berries by car. I could pick many blackberries. It was fun! We also ate an ice cream. I chose to eat a blackberry ice cr

          Day6 ❶

          I woke up early today because I went to bed at 9:45 last night, so I decided to wake up early to prepare for going to market. However, all of the members woke up late, and I waited long. I went to market at 8:40 with sister. The market was


          We had a class talking of types of UK houses and presentation of the differences between Japan and UK. It was not so difficult. After that, we ate lunch and played soccer with all boys. It was exciting but I was tired. After that, we did di


          I went to Stratford upon an Avon by bus. It took about an hour and half. We saw a Shakespeare’s house and a church which Shakespeare is sleeping. It was not so big, but the design was very nice and it was good place to buy souvenirs. We wen

          3rd day

          3rd day Today, we took a class about English class and lecture of problem of foster children by mother and daughter who helps children who is difficult to live with their parents. It was good opportunity to learn about it. After that, I wen

          投稿期間が空いてしまってすいません💦 今日からは英語でつぶやくので、難しい方は翻訳かけて下さい! あと、字数が足りないので普通に投稿をします。

          投稿期間が空いてしまってすいません💦 今日からは英語でつぶやくので、難しい方は翻訳かけて下さい! あと、字数が足りないので普通に投稿をします。

