鎌倉市の未来のために 若い人の未来のため 各地区のバランスを
鎌倉市の未来のために 若い人の未来のため 各地区のバランスを
子供を育てるのに住み続けるのに、住宅価格の手の届く地域は、住環気と文化資源が足りない。各地区のバランスを とり個性を伸ばす
For the Future of Kamakura City and Its Young People: Balancing Each District
In the regions where housing prices are affordable for raising children and continuing to live, there is a lack of a suitable living environment and cultural resources. It is essential to balance each district and foster their unique characteristics for a better future. To achieve this, it is necessary to relocate the city hall and transform the Fukazawa district into a hub for all regions.
Let’s attract businesses, especially universities. By doing so, we can create cultural districts that facilitate new wisdom, and natural, spiritual, and religious exchanges, making people want to live there.