
「幸福の増税論」  井手 英策 2 狭き門 ザアカイ 

「幸福の増税論」  井手 英策 2 狭き門 ザアカイ  
鎌倉由比ガ浜のブックカフェすきま鎌倉 こにある私の本棚にある本の一つ 紹介の続きです。




"I would like to continue introducing one of the books on my bookshelf at Sukiama Kamakura, a book cafe in Yuigahama, Kamakura.

Using the consumption tax as a source of funds, this book proposes the enhancement of education, welfare, housing, and elder care. The author does not shy away from discussions on taxes, nor does he seek refuge in economic growth or issuing government bonds. Instead, he emphasizes kindness as the core of democracy, which is also the light of my life. Working in the field of taxation, often called a tax collector and rarely thanked over decades, I rarely have the opportunity to discuss such matters.

Therefore, I have conducted workshops both in person and online to educate myself about the mechanisms of taxation, its history, and the workings of money. Now, I am exploring how these can be connected to local economies.

On the other hand, I believe that this touches on the foundational issues of democracy related to the philosophy of living and religion."



「しかし」            是枝裕和
「福祉の国のアリス」       山内 豊徳 
「里の在処」           内山 節
「生きなおすことば」       大沢 敏郎
「Icon o graph」          chris kyogetu
「幸福の増税論」         井手 英策     
「科学者はなぜ神を信じるのか」  三田 一郎

The book "Taxing Happiness" by Hidezaku Ide is one of the titles on my personal bookshelf at Sukiama Kamakura, a book cafe in Yuigahama, Kamakura. The book directly addresses the unavoidable topic of taxes in relation to the global pursuit of happiness. Although it does not reach the depth of worldview held by Toshiro Osawa, who viewed the world from the perspective of the discriminated, or Chris Kyogetu, it provides an insightful view into their worlds. Having experienced their perspectives, this book resonates deeply.

The author, I believe, is genuine.

Here are the books on my shelf:

"However" by Hirokazu Koreeda
"Welfare Nation Alice" by Toyotoku Yamauchi
"The Place of the Village" by Setsu Uchiyama
"Words to Live Again" by Toshiro Osawa
"Icon o graph" by Chris Kyogetu
"Taxing Happiness" by Hidezaku Ide
"Why Do Scientists Believe in God?" by Ichiro Mita
