
実験と積み重ね 遊び 鎌倉

実験と積み重ね 遊び、










Of Experimentation and Accumulation: Play,

A blank canvas lies in the Fukazawa district of Kamakura. It can be described as a hollow space. Words like pre-illness, health innovation, sports, and well-being dance around, and then get lost. Capitalism.

On the one hand, various designs and experiments are spreading in Kamakura. On the other hand, the old Kamakura remains. These three gears do not mesh together.

Anyway, let’s play. Let’s make the city formed through new experiments a testing ground for a new economy, democracy, and design.


The number of people moving from the forefront of business in Tokyo and New York to Kamakura has increased. They learn Zen, discover new ways of working, design, IT, the metaverse, and the nature of money. Well-being, work vacations, building renovations, and crowdfunding. Countless experiments are conducted, and the circle expands.

It was a continuous series of enjoyable encounters where experiments lead to more experiments, and sensibilities call out to other sensibilities. Sometimes clashing with old Kamakura, yet incorporating and integrating the wisdom of tradition, understanding the nature of capitalism with a philosophy.

The blank canvas has been infiltrated by half-hearted capital, urban development, trending philosophies, and social booms, making the original faces invisible. Since we have a new experimental field, why not play together and try what we want?


I want to fully engage in learning various philosophies and religions. From there, I want to think about and experiment with systems that support clothing, food, and housing, and health. This will involve reconstructing models of the regional economy and redesigning regional democracy. Creating new designs in the metaverse and cloud spaces in new regions, leading to the creation of art.
