
「里の在処」    内山 節 異なる民主主義

「里の在処」    内山 節 異なる民主主義

 鎌倉由比ガ浜のブックカフェすきま鎌倉 こにある私の本棚にある本の一つ 紹介の続きです、



"The Place of the Village" by Setsu Uchiyama, is one of the books on my shelf at the book cafe Sukiama Kamakura in Yuigahama, Kamakura.

As I traveled through depopulated areas, I observed people engaged in urban development. They dug up things unique to their region—food, history, and nature—all fueled by their passion. However, many become weary of the events and are crushed by them.

I recall someone mentioning that this ultimately boils down to issues of democracy. Yet, the way people in the mountain villages described in this book make decisions is different. They take time to look at each other with care and decide on matters slowly. Reflecting on this pace makes me realize the necessity to reconsider true democracy and individualism.


「しかし」            是枝裕和
「福祉の国のアリス」       山内 豊徳 
「里の在処」           内山 節
「生きなおすことば」       大沢 敏郎
「Icon o graph」          chris kyogetu
「幸福の増税論」         井手 英策     
「科学者はなぜ神を信じるのか」  三田 一郎
