
Brief self-introduction. - fully in English -

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I'm a father of two, balancing family life with my work … as a self-employed engineer and creator. Our family of six, including my wife, kids and parents, brings me constant joy and inspiration.

My Origins and Career Path

Growing up in Japan's Hokuriku region, I was surrounded by both the beauty of nature and the sense of wonderful ideas of traditional industries and manufacturing. This unique environment fostered <養なった> within me a deep interest in design, product creation, and problem-solving.
During my college years in Tokyo, I further cultivated <才能を養う、鍛錬する> this passion by studying product design, machine design, and computer-based control systems, all underpinned<土台を補強する> by a strong foundation in applied mathematics.

These academic and personal experiences now fuel my work as an independent engineer and creator. I enjoy tackling various challenges and crafting innovative solutions, combining technical expertise<専門知識> with creativity to bring ideas to life.

I currently have two main occupations: design and engineering.
In my design role, I provide fashion product design and graphics to overseas companies. I also teach design methods using computers and data.
In my engineering role, I propose<提案する> and deliver<提供する> control devices and AI-based systems to domestic companies.

Rediscovering English

Over the past 7-8 years, I've been fortunate to use English through work trips, family vacations, and collaborations with international clients. However, despite these experiences, I've realized that relying solely on textbook learning and exams hasn't fully equipped me for fluent conversation and effective communication in real-world English scenarios.

In my work, building trust and rapport<信頼関係> is paramount <最も重要>, whether I'm collaborating in English or Japanese. This means actively listening to understand their needs, offering clear proposals and explanations of my capabilities, and ultimately, earning their confidence.
Using perfect English or advanced vocabulary is not necessory. It's more important to use simple , emotional and powerful words to be impressive. By stepping into their perspective and choosing words that resonate with them, I strive<達成しようと努力する> to create clear and engaging communication that fosters<促す> a successful collaboration.

New Approach to Learning English

My constant focus is on honing my English communication skills. This means actively listening to understand others, and expressing myself clearly on topics that matter to me, both in my personal life and daily work.
However, ensuring the accuracy of my English is always a concern.

That's where AI tools ( like DeepL and ChatGPT ) come in. I leverage them to refine my writing and ensure it's grammatically correct and conveys my intended meaning.
Additionally, I utilize<利用する> AI to convert my writings into English audio files. By repeatedly listening and mimicking these recordings, I feel a deeper connection and ownership of the language.

For example, like this.

Other interests

Three things currently fuel my passions:
Exploring Okinawa, Fostering international connections, and Developing English language applications.

Luckily, working remotely has opened doors to unique experiences. Last year, I extended my stay in Okinawa, immersing myself in the vibrant culture of Okinawa City, Ishigaki Island, and Taketomi Island. Connecting with international friends during this time solidified my belief in Okinawa's welcoming atmosphere.

On Discord, I engage in English conversations with some friends, discussing local gems and culinary delights. This desire to provide insightful answers to their questions motivates me to deepen my own understanding of Japan.

Exploring New Opportunities

I'm currently exploring ways to cultivate a persona that resonates with a broader audience, and YouTube is one avenue<道=手段> I'm seriously considering. But I haven't yet launched my channel. Perhaps this interview could be the catalyst<触媒> for me to finally take the plunge<飛び込み>!

My vision for the channel involves sharing my knowledge of Japanese language and culture, while also seeking remote freelance opportunities abroad.
Admittedly<確かに>, the prospect of earning additional income in dollars is appealing (smiles)!

I'm actively gathering information and strategizing<戦略を立てる> to ensure a successful launch, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me.


Do you share a passion for English conversation or reading aloud?
If so, let's practice together. 

Here is my Discord Server link.
