

I'd like to enjoy English conversation much more easily.

I have many friends from the Philippines and Indonesia with whom I occasionally converse. 

  •  converse = have a conversation.

Since we all speak English as a second language, we don't have to speak at high speed or mix in many slangs.

However, when I talk with my Filipino and Indonesian friends, sometimes I find it hard to keep up with their speed.

  •  keep up + with = stay at the same level or pace as something or someone else

I also feel it's important to be able to laugh and be surprised with them at the same time.

As with Japanese people, that sort of timing is the key to creating a good peer atmosphere and getting to know each other.

  • As with ~と同様に

  • peer atmosphere 仲間内の雰囲気

I need to train myself to think in English much more and put words in the English language order.

I believe that learning English is metaphorically like growing a big tree.

  • metaphorically 比ゆ的に

Vocabulary and grammar are its leaves and branches.

We need to grow a strong trunk to support various leaves and branches.

By doing so, I believe we can naturally improve our English ability, much like a growing tree.

  • By doing so, そうすることにより

  • much like a growing tree. 成長する木のように (muchは強調)

