
開発活動の活発な暗号通貨トップ10  10 Top Cryptocurrencies with high Development Activity

10 Top Cryptocurrencies with high Development Activity


Jun 27, 2023

Key Insights:

l  According to ProofOfGitHub, Polkadot and Kusama are the most active crypto projects in terms of development.
ProofOfGitHub によると、ポルカドットと クサマは開発の点で最も活発な仮想通貨プロジェクトです。

l  Cardano is also a very active project, with a focus on DeFi.

l  Hedera is another project with a lot of development activity, despite the upcoming token unlock.
ヘデラは、今後のトークンのロック解除にもかかわらず、多くの開発活動が行われているもう 1 つのプロジェクトです。

l  Cosmos is a popular project for DeFi and cross-chain interoperability.

l  Chainlink is a leading Oracle network that provides reliable data to decentralized applications.
チェーンリンクは、分散アプリケーションに信頼性の高いデータを提供する主要な オラクルネットワークです。

In addition to their market capitalization, cryptocurrencies are also special when it comes to innovation and advancement.

And when the market is down (like it currently is), the best way to figure out the crypto projects whose developers are building in the shadows can be a good way to stay on top of things and keep informed.
そして、(現在のように) 市場が落ち込んでいるとき、開発者が影で構築している暗号プロジェクトを把握する最良の方法は、状況を把握、取り仕切り、情報を入手し続けるための良い方法となる可能性があります。

One of the best ways to spot crypto projects who remain busy despite the market’s condition is by Examining its GitHub repository.

GitHub is a platform where developers communicate, share code, and track changes they have made in the past.

This article will highlight 10 of these crypto projects, and give you a feel for how busy they have been so far.

According to data from ProofofGitHub, as of May 2023. The top 10 cryptocurrencies shown above indicate how dedicated each of their community is to increasing the reach and use cases of the blockchain industry, as well as the safety of user funds.
ProofofGitHub のデータによると、2023 年 5 月時点。上記のトップ10 の仮想通貨は、各コミュニティがブロックチェーン業界のリーチとユースケースの増大、およびユーザー資金の安全性にどれだけ熱心に取り組んでいるかを示しています。

Let’s take deep dives into these cryptocurrencies and see what’s been going on with them under the hood.

1. Polkadot/Kusama

Polkadot and Kusama are the market leaders by far, with an impressive 609.7 GitHub commits (number of code uploads) over the week.


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