
現在、最高の暗号通貨3つ    The three best cryptocurrencies right now

The three best cryptocurrencies right now

Shogun Saski

Jul 28, 2023

It takes strength to control the biggest economy in the world. The FOMC eventually moved the motion to raise key lending rates by 0.25%, raising them to a range of 5.25% to 5.5%, after much discussion and intense anticipation. The rates in the US may be at their highest point in 22 years. The cryptocurrency business was not adversely affected by the news, nevertheless, as the market saw an improvement in important measures.

What are the top cryptocurrencies to buy right now as a result? It’s advisable to note that the tokens highlighted below are based on specified measures before getting into the specifics. The best course of action is to conduct more study before making choices.
その結果として、今買うべきトップの暗号通貨は何ですか? 以下で強調されているトークンは、詳細に入る前に、特定の測定値に基づいていることに注意することをお勧めします。最善の行動は、選択をする前により多くの研究を行うことです。

Having said that, the information below depicts market activity as of press time as observed on CoinMarketCap. precise conclusion.

The cryptocurrency market expands on yesterday’s gains. At the time of publication, there has been a 1.65% growth in the market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies, bringing the total to $1.19T. Additionally, the trading volume increased by 20.33%, rising to $31 billion in a single day. DeFi transactions make up 9.44% of the entire trading volume, which is a favourable growth for the industry.
暗号通貨市場は昨日の上昇を受けて拡大しています。公開時点では、すべての暗号通貨の時価総額が1.65%増加し、合計で$1.19Tになりました。 さらに、取引量は20.33%増加し、1日で310億ドルに増加しました。DeFi取引は取引量全体の9.44%を占めており、業界にとって有利な成長となっています。

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Best Crypto to Buy Right Now


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¥ 600
