
あなたの暗号通貨を安全に保つ3つの方法!3ways to keep your crypto safe! (DO THEM NOW!!)

3ways to keep your crypto safe! (DO THEM NOW!!)

3 ways to keep your crypto safe!

White Hat Crypto

Dec 4, 2022

The recent crypto downfalls such as FTX have led investors to explore options that can help safeguard their investments. Here is how you can do that!
FTX のような最近の暗号通貨下落は投資家を彼らの投資を保護する助けとなり得る選択肢を探究するように仕向けています。 ここにあなたがそれをすることができる方法があります!

The demise of the FTX crypto exchange led many people to reevaluate their whole approach to investing, from consciousness to validating the on-chain status of funds.
FTX 暗号通貨取扱所の崩壊は多くの人々を、ファンドのチェーン上のステータスの妥当性を検査することへの意識から、彼らの投資へのアプローチ全体を再評価するように仕向けました。

This turnaround in attitude was motivated largely by crypto investors’ lack of faith in entrepreneurs after being deceived by FTX CEO and co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).
FTX CEOと共同創業者サムバンクマン- フリート(SBF)によってだまされた後で、態度でのこの方向転換は主として暗号通貨投資家の企業家への信頼の欠如に動機付けられました。

After SBF and his associates were detected covertly reinvesting customers’ capital, FTX crashed, leading to the misplacement of at least $1 billion in assets.
SBFと彼のパートナーが顧客の資本をひそかに再投資して見つけられた後、 FTX は、資産で少なくとも10億ドルの見込み違いとなり、倒産しました。

In an effort to recover investor faith, rival crypto exchanges publicly displayed proof of reserves to verify the existence of customers’ assets.

However, members of the community have now asked that the exchanges disclose their holdings in order to protect the reserves.

With SBF, the self-proclaimed “most giving billionaire,” conducting fraud in broad daylight with no apparent legal consequences, investors must take a defensive position to preserve their money.
SBF 、自称「最も寄付する億万長者」が外見上明白な法律上の結果なしで真昼間に不正行為を行なうという状態で、投資家は彼らのお金を保護するため防御態勢を取らなくてはなりません。

To protect funds against fraud, hacking, and misappropriation, you must take particular precautions to maintain complete control over your holdings, which are frequently regarded as the best crypto investing practices.

Here are the top 3 ways to secure your crypto assets!


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