
ドージコインの将来:この暗号通貨はどのくらい高値まで到達できるのか?The Future of Dogecoin: How High Can This Cryptocurrency Reach?

The Future of Dogecoin: How High Can This Cryptocurrency Reach?


Published in Coinmonks

Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of the favorite meme coins online. It has captured the imagination of investors and the public alike. It is the first dog-themed token. Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created it in 2013 as a joke, but it skyrocketed in value in 2021, fueled by social media hype and celebrity endorsements, particularly Elon Musk. But with the current state of the market, many are wondering: how high can Dogecoin go, and is it a good investment for the future?

A Look Back: Dogecoin’s Rise and Volatility
振り返ってみよう: ドージコインの台頭と乱高下

According to the CoinDesks Digital Asset Classification Standard (DACS), Dogecoin is categorized as a Currency. The price history of Dogecoin is that of a rollercoaster. At the time of writing, Dogecoin’s price is $0.144, down 1.10% from the previous day. With the current price changes, Dogecoin’s market value is now $20.8 billion. Dogecoin’s change for the year has been 82.07%.
CoinDesks デジタルアセット分類標準 (DACS)によると、ドージコインは通貨として分類されます。ドージコインの価格履歴はジェットコースターのようなものです。執筆時点で、ドージコインの価格は$0.144で、前日から 1.10% 下落しています。現在の価格変動により、ドージコインの市場価値は現在 208 億ドルです。ドージコインの年間変動は 82.07% でした。

By 2018, it peaked at $0.003 before experiencing a long period of stagnation. Then, in 2021, the tides turned. Fueled by a Reddit-driven short squeeze and Elon Musk’s tweets, Dogecoin’s price surged to an all-time high of $0.74 in May 2021. However, this meteoric rise could have been more-lived.

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As with most meme coins, the price dropped significantly, settling around $0.14 at the time of writing press time. This volatility draws attention to Dogecoin’s main weakness: its reliance on hype and outside influences. In contrast to several cryptocurrencies that possess robust underlying technologies and applications, Dogecoin’s value is predominantly influenced by social media fads and celebrity support.
ほとんどのミームコインと同様に、価格は大幅に下落し、本稿執筆時点では 0.14 ドル前後で落ち着きました。この変動性は、ドージコインの主な弱点、つまり誇大宣伝と外部の影響への依存に注目させます。強力な基盤技術とアプリケーションを備えたいくつかの暗号通貨とは対照的に、ドージコインの価値は主にソーシャル メディアの流行と有名人のサポートによって左右されます。

Factors Influencing Dogecoin’s Future

The future of Dogecoin depends on several aspects, but how high Dogecoin can go is the real question. Let us go through the key factors to consider:

Market Sentiment

The overall state of the cryptocurrency market will highly impact the price of Dogecoin. If the market experiences another bull run, Dogecoin and other cryptocurrencies could see a price increase. However, a bearish market could lead to a further decline.


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