外国から日本に来た犬は180日検疫所に止められます。 Dogs coming to Japan from abroad are stopped at the quarantine station for 180 days.

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
There is a very scary disease called rabies.
When a person contracts rabies, there is an almost 100% chance of death.

When a dog or cat from abroad comes to Japan, it is quarantined for up to 180 days due to rabies quarantine.
The quarantine period may be shorter than 180 days if the dog or cat is tested before coming to Japan.

There was a person who was very angry and tweeted about the fact that pet dogs brought by displaced people coming to Japan from Ukraine would be away from quarantine for 180 days.

There is a reason why regulations and rules are so set in stone.
When I read this tweet, I wondered if the person who made this tweet had researched the reason why the 180-day quarantine was required.

There is a reason why regulations and rules are so set in stone.
Of course, some regulations should be changed because circumstances or conditions have changed.
I think that before we challenge a regulation or rule, we need to examine the reasons why it is so.

This applies not only to regulations and rules in each country, but also to cultures and customs in various countries.
It is natural to feel that something is "wrong" or "strange."
But the next thing to do is to ask, "Why is this happening?" and investigate the background of such regulations.

理解する努力をしているだろうか? Am I making an effort to understand them?

== Japanese original ==






理解する努力をしているだろうか? Am I making an effort to understand them?
