魚の養殖と水耕栽培を結びつけた人はすごい! Those who combine aquaculture with hydroponics are amazing!

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==

Do you know the word aquaponics?
It is a combination of the words aquaculture and hydroponics.

”Aquaponics, the recycling-oriented agriculture of "fish and vegetables," is on the road to industrialization.”

The water used for fish farming (aquaculture) is also used for hydroponics, and the fish waste in the aquaculture water is used as fertilizer for vegetables.

As a result,
・The amount of chemical fertilizers used is reduced.
・Water containing fish waste and leftover feed is not good for the environment.
 The water used in hydroponics becomes water of better quality.

There are still some issues to be addressed, but it is an exciting technology.

When I learned about aquaponics, I thought it was amazing that people came up with this idea.
This is because I think that fishing (aquaculture) and agriculture (hydroponics) are two very distant things.

It is amazing that someone thought of combining these two distant things.

After learning about aquaponics, I realized that they have one thing in common: they both use water.
You can see that it makes sense, since fish waste can be used as fertilizer.
But to realize that at first is not easy.

I want to be able to notice the similarities between things that are distant in many ways, to think about combining them, and so on.
I would like to be able to do that.

== Japanese original ==
aquaculture (養殖)とhydroponics (水耕栽培)を組み合わせた単語です。

「魚×野菜」の循環型農業  アクアポニックス、産業化に道筋


・魚のフンや残っているエサが含まれた水は環境によくありません。 その水が水耕栽培で使われることで水質がよくなった水になります。





