13日TUFSでのシエラレオネ絵本読み聞かせ会に参加します。Will participate in a Sierra Leone picture book reading at TUFS on the 13th

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Next Monday (13th), I will be at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS).
I will be attending an event called Story Hour of the Sierra Leonean Picture Book "Experience Sierra Leone's Village with A Picture Book: Story Hour of 'Ansu's Village'"

TUFS is hosting a month-long event called "Feel Africa: Message Through Arts and Lens" starting June 7.
Unfortunately, this is an event for TUFS students and staff only.
I met Mr. Paul, who is studying at TUFS from PIASS, a university in Rwanda, and his works are also on display, but I am not able to visit him.

【TUFS campus only】 "Feel Africa: Message through Arts and Lens"

However, the "Experience Sierra Leone's Village with A Picture Book: Story Hour of "Ansu's Village"" on Monday the 13th is open to non-university related people.
The "Feel Africa" exhibit will also be open to the public at the same location as the storytelling event.
The student from Sierra Leone who created the picture book is also the person I spoke to briefly the other day, so there is no choice but to go.
◆Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 11:45-12:35 *Postponed due to rain
◆Venue: TUFS Central Square (in front of the entrance of the Research and Lecture Building)

I am of course looking forward to this event, but I am also looking forward to getting to know new international students at TUFS.

== Japanese original ==
シエラレオネ絵本読み聞かせ会「Experience Sierra Leone's Village with A Picture Book: Story Hour of "Ansu's Village”」というイベントに参加するためです。

TUFSでは6月7日から一ヶ月間、「Feel Africa: Message Through Arts and Lens」というイベントが開催されています。残念なことにこれはTUFSの学生や職員限定のイベントです。先日会ったルワンダのPIASSという大学からTUFSに留学に来ているPaulさんの作品も展示されているのですが、私は見学に行くことができません。

【TUFS学内限定】アフリカ留学生作品展「Feel Africa: Message Through Arts and Lens」

でも、13日(月)のシエラレオネ絵本読み聞かせ会「Experience Sierra Leone's Village with A Picture Book: Story Hour of "Ansu's Village”」は大学に関係のない人も参加できます。そして、読み聞かせ会と同じ場所で「Feel Africa」の展示品も公開するそうです。絵本を作ったシエラレオネからの留学生の方も先日少し話しをした方なので、行かないという選択肢はありません。
◆日時:2022年6月13日(月) 11:45~12:35 ※雨天延期

