VRツアーでその場所の昔の風景を見る体験はおもしろそうです。 It would be interesting to experience a VR tour to see the old scenery of the place. 

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Virtual tours have been offered since the Corona disaster.
These tours allow people to see what is happening overseas from the comfort of their own home, or conversely, introduce Japanese sightseeing spots to people overseas online.

The Nikkei MJ on August 26 reported that VR tours are becoming popular in Vienna.
"Time travel through Vienna's history, VR tours popular, ¥4,000 for 2 hours, even Ottoman bombardment ‘experience'."

This is different from the virtual tour I wrote about above.
It is a 360-degree view with VR goggles. What you see is the old scenery.
It is a scene near the Vienna Opera House in the 1900s, and a scene where Vienna is besieged by the Ottoman Turks and cannonballs are flying.

With VR, you can stay at home and see what Vienna is like.
But when you're in Vienna and see what Vienna looked like in the old days in VR, it's much more impressive than watching the same footage at home.

It's not that you can't go there and see it in VR.
Go there and see what it used to be like in VR.
This perspective is also interesting.

== Japanese original ==

”ウィーンの歴史を時間旅行 VRツアー人気、2時間4000円 オスマン軍の砲撃も「体験」”

VRゴーグルを付けて360度の映像を見るものです。 見るのは昔の風景です。


