メンバーで励まし合ってある行為の継続を目指すアプリ 日本語学習にいいですね。 An app where members encourage each other to continue a certain action. Good for learning Japanese.

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==

Have you ever been unable to keep up with dieting, jogging, journaling, and other things that you thought, "I'm going to do it every day from now on!"
I have experienced that I stopped doing all of the above examples after a few times.

There was this article in the Nikkei MJ on August 7.
"Minchare," an app to prevent being an easy quitter, five comrades encourage each other to make it a habit."

This is an app where five people with the same goal encourage each other to keep going.
The company that operates this app has tested it with various numbers of people and found that five people are the easiest to keep up the habit.

Japanese language ability is a major obstacle for foreign students to find a job in Japan.
In particular, they need to learn a lot of kanji, and there are many similar characters, so it is very difficult to remember them.

Minchare is an application made in Japanese, so it may be a little difficult to use for those who are studying Japanese.
It would be nice if there was an English app that had the same functionality as Minchare. 
If anyone knows of such an app, please let us know.
Or, we would like to think of a way to realize something similar to what we are doing with Minchalle on our SNS.

== Japanese original ==

”三日坊主防止アプリ「みんチャレ」 同志5人励まし合って習慣に”



