Please introduce our SNS "tomoni ともに" to students from the Middle East and Africa

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
As I wrote on March 4, my friend who was in the UAE and "studying" at a Japanese university has started preparing to enter Japan.
The number of foreign students entering Japan will increase from this month.

If you know any international students coming from the Middle East or Africa, please introduce them to the SNS "tomoni ".
This is a SNS for international students from Middle East and Africa.
We hope that by sharing information, experiences, and concerns with other international students, we can make their life in Japan more comfortable and fulfilling.

As I wrote in my January 1 post, this is what we are trying to do at Together Japan.
・SNS for international students from the Middle East and Africa, and
various other things based on that.
・Online Japanese language course platform (viz, a matching site for
teachers and students).

What we would like to achieve through information sharing among international students

== Japanese original follows ==





What we would like to achieve through information sharing among international students
