
フライドポテトではなくベイクドポテトを販売するメリットは何でしょう? What are the advantages of selling baked potatoes instead of French fries? 

== English translation (Japanese original follows) ==
Do you like Mos Burger burgers?
Mos Food Service, which operates Mos Burger, opened a new restaurant specialising in cheeseburgers called mosh Grab'n Go last November.
As a result of having only three types of cheeseburger and other innovations, they can operate with fewer people than Mos Burger.

The Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun dated 20 January had this article.
'Mos Food Service to expand into city centres with cheeseburger restaurants, opening shops in small properties with a narrowed-down menu.

The fact that the restaurant specialises in cheeseburgers was interesting, but there was something more interesting to me.
At mosh Grab'n Go, they sell oven-baked fries, not fried ones.

It's healthier, I thought, because it's not fried in oil.
But there was more to it than that.

The taste and texture do not change much over time because they are not fried in oil.
The potatoes are not fried in a machine, so there is no need to treat or clean the oil.

This is something that is easy to understand when I hear the explanation.
But I didn't realise these things when I heard that the potatoes were not fried in oil.

*The photo above is not the baked potato served at mosh Grab'n Go.

== Japanese original ==
モスバーガーを運営しているモスフードサービスが「「mosh Grab'n Go(モッシュグラブアンドゴー)」というチーズバーガー専門店を昨年11月にオープンしました。

「モスフードサービス チーズバーガー店で都心部進出 絞ったメニューで狭小物件に出店」

「mosh Grab'n Go(モッシュグラブアンドゴー)」では、ポテトを油であげたものではなく、オーブンで焼いたポテトを販売しています。




*写真はイメージです。 モッシュグラブアンドゴーのポテトではありません。
