



PONTISの特徴 PONTIS Features.

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS ! == English translation (Japanese original follows) == Today, I will explain the features of the PONTIS platform for online Japanese language class. <Pros> - All teachers have qualifications to teach J

PONTISにはこんな授業があります PONTIS offers these classes

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS ! == English translation (Japanese original follows) == There are many teachers on the PONTIS platform for online Japanese language courses. All of them have qualifications to teach Japanese. Each tea

オンライン日本語講座プラットフォーム始まりました Online Japanese language class platform started.

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS !== English translation (Japanese original follows) == Today is a momentous day. Our online Japanese language class platform has been completed. The name of the service is PONTIS, which means "bridge"