
PONTIS, Online Japanese Class

Online Japanese Class platform, PONTIS. A matching site between Japanese teachers and le…


早朝活用といえば・・・PONTISです!  Speaking of early morning utilization... I…

== English translation (Japanese original follows) == Yesterday, I wrote about the utili…

NHK for Schoolも日本語の勉強に使えます。 NHK for School can also be used to stu…

== English translation (Japanese original follows) == There is a website called "NHK for…

PONTISの先生を紹介します(2) Meet the PONTIS teachers (2)

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS ! PONTISで日本語を教えている先生の紹介の2回目です…

PONTISの先生を紹介します(1) Meet the PONTIS teachers (1)

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS !これからPONTISで日本語を教えている先生の紹介をして…

夏休みキャンペーンを始めました Summer vacation campaign launched.

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS !== English translation (Japanese original follows)…

音読しましょう Let's read aloud.

Learn Japanese Online with PONTIS ! == English translation (Japanese original follows) =…

モニター生徒さんに高評価をもらっています Received high ratings from the monitor students.

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS !== English translation (Japanese original follows) == It has been 10 days since we launched PONTIS on May 1st. During these 10 days, I explained PONTIS to many international students and former intern

PONTISの特徴 PONTIS Features.

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS ! == English translation (Japanese original follows…

PONTISにはこんな授業があります PONTIS offers these classes

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS ! == English translation (Japanese original follow…

オンライン日本語講座プラットフォーム始まりました Online Japanese language class …

Learning Japanese Online with PONTIS !== English translation (Japanese original follows)…