

Wasei-eigo (和製英語, meaning "made-in-Japan English") are Japanese-language expressions based on English words, or parts of word combinations, that do not exist in standard English or whose meanings differ from the words from which they were derived.

Wasei-eigo are generally written in Katakana ("カタカナ"). The name contains English ("eigo") but some of them are originally from other European languages. My English teacher used to tell me that I should not use Wasei-eigo to native speakers since there are other appropriate English words. It also makes misunderstandings sometimes. On the other hand, if you're learning Japanese, these words are relatively easy to master.

Below is a list of Wasei-eigo for both English and Japanese learners with some Tips.


Up "de" アップ(で)

When it is used in the photo or video shooting scene, it means zoom-in.

『アップで撮ります。』(I'll zoom in.)

After service アフターサービス

customer service, user support, aftersales service

"Arubaito" アルバイト

part-time job. Originally from German Arbeit (meaning 'work').

Eat-in イートイン

eat out food and drinks in a casual style, for here

Tips: In Japan, the consumption tax rate differs between to-go (8%) and for here (10%). When you use eat-in spaces in convenience stores, it's recommended to declare it at the cashier.

『イートインで』(Eat-in "de") = for here

Winker ウィンカー

turn signal (UK), blinker(US)

Aircon エアコン

air conditioner (can't live without it in summer)


Gasoline stand ガソリンスタンド

gas station

Guard man ガードマン

security guard

"Kanningu" カンニング


Tips: In English, cunning means something like achieving a goal by a clever but deceptive method. (In Japanese: ずるい "Zurui").

Cool Biz クールビズ

casual office clothing during the summer

Tips: The Cool Biz campaign was initiated by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment in summer 2005 as a means to help reduce Japanese electricity consumption by limiting the use of air conditioning. This idea was proposed by the then-Minister Yuriko Koike, current Tokyo governor, under the cabinet of Prime Minister Junichirō Koizumi.

”Kurakushon” クラクション

(car) horn

Claim クレーム


"Konkūru" コンクール

a contest, a competition

Consent コンセント

outlet (US), socket(UK)


Sign サイン


Salaryman サラリーマン

office worker.

Tips: Shimbasi is known as サラリーマンの聖地 (salaryman's mecca).

Three sizes スリーサイズ


"Sero tape" セロテープ

scotch tape


Touch panel タッチパネル

touch screen

"Dan" ball 段ボール


Take-out テイクアウト

to-go (US), take-away(UK)

Tips: Instead of "Take-out", you can say "持ち帰りで" (mochi-kaeri de).

Table charge テーブルチャージ

cover charge

Trainer トレーナー



Naive ナイーブ


Tips: "You are naive" in Japanese is a compliment. So don't be upset.

Nighter ナイター

night game

Tips: There are other baseball-related Wasei-eigo. For example, "ホームラン" (home run) is called "inside-the-park home run" in English. "さよならホームラン" (SAYONARA home run) is "walk-off home run". "デッドボール" (dead ball) is "hit by a pitch".

No sleeve ノースリーブ


Note "Pasocon" ノートパソコン/ノートPC



High touch ハイタッチ

high five

High tension ハイテンション


Viking バイキング


Tips: all-you-can-eat is 食べ放題 ("Tabe hodai"), all-you-can-drink is 飲み放題("Nomi hodai").

Paker パーカー

hooded sweatshirt

Bargain バーゲン


Version up バージョンアップ

upgrade, update

Tips: ~ up means to increase or improvement, for example, パワーアップ ("power up")、スコアアップ ("score up")、イメージアップ ("image up"), etc...

Paneller パネラー

panel, panelist, panelist

"Pea man" ピーマン

green pepper

"Biniiru bukuro" ビニール袋/"Reji bukuro" レジ袋

plastic bag

Tips: Due to the plastic bag charge policy, now you'll be asked at every cashier if you need a plastic bag. Please say,

『レジ袋要りません』(”Reji Bukuro Irimasen”) = I no need a plastic bag.

Fried potato フライドポテト

french fries(US), chips(UK)

Blind touch ブラインドタッチ


Free size フリーサイズ


Freeter フリーター

part-time worker

Free dial フリーダイヤル

toll-free call

Front フロント

Reception desk

Paper company ペーパーカンパニー

dummy (company)

Hotchkiss ホッチキス

stapler (a genericized trademark of the E. H. Hotchkiss company)

Ball pen ボールペン

ballpoint pen

Home center ホームセンター

home improvement store

Home page ホームページ

webpage, website


My number マイナンバー

individual number

Tips: Social Security number system in the USA is a similar system. The Japanese government has not succeeded to implement a numbering system yet. My number has been notified already but each person needs to apply for my number card. To boost the number of applications, my number point campaign is undergoing.

Mansion マンション

apartment, condominium

Tips: Generally "マンション購入" (purchasing mansion) in Japanese means purchasing a condominium, not a luxury house.


Unit bath ユニットバス

modular bath


Live house ライブハウス

music pub

Reform リフォーム


"Renji" レンジ



One-piece ワンピース


Tips: Among the young generation, one piece is popular manga, not clothes.
