I bought a Born Conduct Earphone - Part2

I was thinking to sell that earphone had two reasons. one of the reasons is that when I use them I have pain in my ears the other reason is their color,
Because it is white it stands out. I found a brown cover and wondered what it was. When I tried to see if I could actually remove it, I could do it. So I ordered the cover yesterday.
(Corrected by kayo)

I was thinking to sell that earphone had two reasons. One of the reasons is becoming ear pain, the other reason is their color is white so it seems easy to see from the eyes to the white earphone. yesterday, I found a brown cover like a peel of earphones so their cover was removed and change to the brown peel. I stop to sell the born earphone. I ordered it yesterday, and I am looking forward to getting it now.
(Created 5th Feb.)
