
PCOS 一体何が食べれるの?


I started this PCOS journey vigorously and thought changing my diet is not that hard - but it was more (harder) than I was imagined.. 


Anyway its just Day 3. At Day 1, I researched too much on PCOS online, which made me confused completely. 


As a result, my diet was going towards "vegan" diet but ate big bowl of rice (Carbo).. The night (Day1) I couldnt sleep because of tummy pain. It must be from the salad and lemon I ate at dinner. (Learning #1 )


Day 2 yesterday, I went to work so woke up early, tried to put something in my mouth - small bowl of rice and soup. I couldn't even finish a small bowl as I was rushing. (Eating in rush is also not good) After the morning at the office, walking a lot and talking with many people, I was exhausted. I was back home 2pm and streight to rest up. I cannot do office work anymore. Before coming back home, we were so hungry. With my colleagues, we went to Chinese restaurant. I ordered small bowl to choose few vegs and meats - but it ended up in the huge bowl, I gave some to my colleagues. 


Anyway I was back home, soon took panadol, took shower, made the room dark and rest up. Wow it was so tiring.


Anchan told me my Uni friend W chan is also PCOS, I messaged her to get some advise. Soon she replied "I will make my baby to nap, then call you!" she called me and encouraged me a lot. My sister N also been sharing kind words, Anchan also be so nice as always, why they are so nice? I cannot thank them enough. 


Back to the talk with W chan - I finally got clear idea of diet improvement. I also got confidence from her, so from today (Day3) I am trying her diet plan.


What I need to be careful is … 1) Carbo 2) Quantity

食べる量も、野菜だから大量にってわけではない。握り拳分。肉も握り拳分。そしてNo rice!(また言うw)

My beloved Rice and Bread…. goodbye (until I see you again)
For the quantity as well, I cannot eat a lot even its vegetables. the amount is like one fist size (your hand). Meats as well, only one fist size. and NO RICE! (I am saying this again as its important lol)


W chan also Carbo lover so she was also not sure how it will be but "I was so surprised my health improved a lot! so just try!". Also, because I wanted to have a baby so no carbo was not the pain at all. She is right!


Same timing, I received a email from my doctor (Clinic) that prescribed Mecilon and sent to my nearest pharmacy. 1 pill a day at the same timing for next 6 month. Pharmacist told me "Avoid grapefruit and its juice" while taking this pill …why? interesting, but I will not take grapefruits. Maybe its sour? I can only start this pill at the day 1 of period - but my period is not here yet… lets wait..


Then I need to see the doctor next month to check the progress. Checking weight and blood pressure as well… as she said, I need to lose weight. 


Losing weight, I am not that worried. 
But I am sad that my precious date with anchan to go cafe and I cannot eat what I like! I can do itttt
