
食事改善2週間結果発表 PCOS


No change in my Weight this week
I am now bit more used to No Carbo life but when I go out for meal - thats the challenge. I tried to choose non Carbo dish or eat only little of carbo. 


Week 2 - no much change on weight. So I decided to start Yoga and light walking last week Friday… then I felt dizzy while Yoga.


One day before this, Thursday, I had full day working outside and at night, Anchan went back to home country for urgent reason. So I sent her to airport, back home around 12am. Plus the full working day outside Thursday was really tiring, on Friday I only woke up 7:30am. (always 6am). I decided to stay easy for Friday. Because of all this I thought I had dizziness while Yoga… but I found out…


My period came!!!!!!


This is huge improvement since last 2 cycle my period only came once 3-4 month. By Calculating since my last period, this new period was delayed for 3 weeks, but compare with 3-4month, thats so great step. 


So I started to take my pill (Mercilon) yesterday Sunday. I informed my doctor in Clinic too.


I am happy that my lifestyle, diet change really help my health step by step.

PMS改善、ニキビ改善」と安心w この3ヶ月で生理周期安定の努力をします。

About the pill Mercilon, it has the effect of keep my hormones balance well and make my period cycle back to correct cycle. I will continue to work of my diet and take this pill. First time when I saw the description of this medicine, it says "Stop being pregnant" I thought my doc gave me wrong pill LOL but I read carefully and yes its for stop being pregnant, back period cycle to normal, release period pain, improvement of PMS and pinples. This pill is to take 1 pill a day for next 3 month.


I made the doctor appointment for May for the check up. 


If I review my life other than this, I am still super busy. Yesterday I had something made me annoyed but for me, "Dont do everything my own" is important motto. The person who can work effectively is actually very good at passing tasks to others. For example if we are doing 1 project, we have many things to do right? Not only the event agenda itself, we have each item preparation, communication with people plus great promotion. If myself long time ago, I would say "I will do it!!" and do everything by my own. The task will be done quickly and I wont waste the time asking others and waiting for others. But actually this is not "Sustainable" way of working, first of all its not fun at all, just me got exhausted and burnt out. For others, its not joyful as well as they were not involved anything. As a result, this project would be the purpose only to "complete task" and nothing to benefit anyone. Very bad work effectiveness too. 


But in my heart, I want to support those people who "actually" working hard behind the senses. Where I am now, there are lots of "People who can work effectively" and has skill "To delegate works to others" and I am the one who dose the work for them. I am fighting everyday.  


Even though "passing tasks to others" is the most effective way, I could not like this way. (It maybe bevause I was the one who received all huge amount of tasks from them and hurt. Also seeing my friends left because of this attitude) So of course, I really want to give more opportunity to more people but key point for me is to "work together". How to explain this… not just passing all task to others, I work even harder and keep encouraging them. Thats so annoying those "passing task specialist" giving tasks to others - thats what I was pissed about yesterday too lol I wanted to say "You do it!!!!" 


However, the "I work more than others" - I did this too much last few years causing my health issue. 


But now I have many capable people which I can ask for help everytime - it relusting each person task and pressure down, but each person can focus and accomplish what they are doing, joy of working as a team - less stress more effective. 


Like this, its important for me to realise I am not alone. 


With this mindset, I want to climb my last big mountain for next 6 month. And wanna go back to japan for holiday. Thats all x
