つぶやきCsound / TweetCsound


What is つぶやきCsound / TweetCsound?

つぶやきCsound or TweetCsound is a project on Twitter. You can tweet any Csound code with the hashtag "#つぶやきCsound" or "#TweetCsound". The tweets are retweeted by the bot (@TweetCsound).  
The idea is largely inspired by つぶやきProcessing(@TweetProcessing), where amazing codes of Processingp5.js and Processing.py are tweeted.

Rule to tweet Csound code

Tweeting complete Csound code is extremely challenging because ordinary unified file format of Csound includes several tags. If we incorporate all the Csound tags and hashtag, the remaining space for actual coding is only about 150 characters! 

To set a realistic goal, The following rule for coding is applied in this project.

All the Csound tags can be omitted from the tweet. 

The followers need to add the following settings in Csound front end(e.g. CsoundQt) when they execute the code:

a) Add Csound tags (<CsoundSynthesizer>, etc.)
b) Configure <CsOptions> section appropriately based on the PC environment
c) Copy & paste the Instrument and Score part(f / i statement) from the tweet to <CsInstruments> and <CsScore> section respectively
(Most tweet will be 'scoreless code', which will be mentioned later)

スクリーンショット 2021-04-25 10.51.46

Upload media file (optional but recommended)

It is convenient for the followers if they can listen to the output sound on the Twitter. Unfortunately sound file (e.g. WAV, AIFF and MP3) cannot be uploaded in the tweet. You can upload movie file instead. On MacOS, MOV file created by Screenshot.app can be uploaded to the tweet (Use BlackHole to pass audio to Screenshot.app).

Useful tips to reduce code size 

A) sr, kr and ksmps can be omitted if your code accepts their default values. The default values are 44100, 4410 and 1 respectively.

B) Use function syntax introduced in Csound6. Refer to the following manuals  on function syntax.


C) Score part can be omitted if the code is scoreless. The technical details can be found in the following document.

Lazzarini V. Scoreless Csound. Csound Journal. 2014 Fall;20

Any ideas are welcome!

Any sound from beautiful harmony to harsh noise are welcome!

Version history
v1.0 : 2021/03/21 Initial release 
v2.0 : 2021/04/25 Revised the rule on Csound tags
