
英語日記 #14  Is late September in Japan summer?

Have you been thinking about any vacation plans lately?

I am smoothly making plan of vacation tody.
I'm going on a trip to Chiba prefecture with my friend.
Nokogiriyama along the river in Chiba is definitely a place I want to climb.
Chiba's costal areas can be a great escape from the summer heat.

Is September in Japan is summer or autume?

Since summer in Japan is hot, I considered traveling to a place where I could some what avoid that heat, and I conclude that Futsu city in Chiba prefecture would be good, although I'm not sure if it counts as a cool retreat.
Maybe September is considered the transition between summer and autumn in Japan.
Even though it's already late September, it still feels like summer.

Corrections by ChatGPT

Have you been thinking about any vacation plans lately?

I’ve been making vacation plans smoothly today. I’m going on a trip to Chiba Prefecture with my friend. Nokogiriyama, a mountain along the coast in Chiba, is definitely a place I want to climb. Chiba’s coastal areas can be a great escape from the summer heat.

Is September in Japan summer or autumn?

Since summers in Japan are hot, I considered traveling to a place where I could somewhat avoid the heat. I concluded that Futsu City in Chiba Prefecture would be a good choice, although I’m not sure if it counts as a cool retreat. Maybe September is considered the transition between summer and autumn in Japan. Even though it’s already late September, it still feels like summer.

Changes made:

  1. "I am smoothly making plan of vacation tody" → "I’ve been making vacation plans smoothly today": Reworded for better grammar and flow.

  2. "Nokogiriyama along the river" → "Nokogiriyama, a mountain along the coast": Clarified Nokogiriyama’s location (it’s near the coast, not a river).

  3. "costal" → "coastal": Fixed the spelling mistake.

  4. "Is September in Japan is summer or autume?" → "Is September in Japan summer or autumn?": Corrected grammar.

  5. "some what avoid that heat" → "somewhat avoid the heat": Minor adjustment for clarity.

  6. "although I'm not sure if it counts as a cool retreat": Smoothed out the sentence.

  7. "late September, it still feels like summer": Added a comma for better flow.
