I want to write...

I want to write some book’s reviews for this contest!! This is project of note official account with 12 publishers.

These days I hardly read books :_(

I wrote a movie review (in Japanese) this week, but I don’t write about any books. I’ll go to a bookstore presently.

By the way, each reading lists explain each publishes colors, I think ; )

I am exited to see these book covers. What should I read?

Uuum... I’ll introduce my favourite Japanese writer because it's a good opportunity.

I like Kotaro Isaka. His works included reality and a few fantasy. I think his works’ essential appears in a collection of short stories. For example, “Accuracy of Death(死神の精度)” or “Children(チルドレン).”

But I like omnibus format works,too. Such as “Eine kleine Nachtmusik(アイネクライネナハトムジーク)“ or “Fish Story(フィッシュストーリー).” Oh, I wanted to read his works in fast and a lot times and many stories.

My most favourite story is “Looks Like(ルックスライク)” from “Eine kleine Nachtmusik.“ It is a little difficult to explain about character relationships. This is because the story of the past and the story of the present are mixed. Anyway, I like the advanced hints of he made in this story. And, this is a love story that doesn't looks like a love story, so I like it.

Oh yeah,  the book “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”has cute book cover and I love it. Penguins are on there. 

Let’s check it out if you have interested in it!
