
Henri-Louis Bergson was a French philosopher who made significant contributions to both analytic philosophy and continental philosophy. He rejected the mechanistic view of causality and argued that processes of immediate experience and intuition are more important than abstract rationalism and science in understanding reality. He developed the concept of Duration, which redefined modern conceptions of time, space, and causality, and emphasized creativity, novelty, and freedom. Bergson criticized Kant's theory of knowledge and conception of truth, attempting to redefine the relations between science and metaphysics, intelligence and intuition, and insisted on the necessity of using intuition to increase thought's possibility. His philosophy touched on topics such as time and identity, free will, perception, change, memory, consciousness, language, the foundation of mathematics, and the limits of reason. Bergson's philosophy of life can be seen as a response to the mechanistic philosophies of his time and the failure of finalism. He believed planning beforehand for the future was impossible since time itself unravels unforeseen possibilities. Bergson introduced Duration as a theory of time and consciousness in his doctoral thesis, Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness, and discovered the foundation of his philosophy, the élan vital, as an original impulse in life that dispersed itself through evolution into contradictory tendencies.

アンリ=ルイ・ベルクソンは、フランスの哲学者で、分析哲学と大陸哲学の双方に大きな貢献をした。機械論的な因果関係を否定し、現実を理解するためには、抽象的な合理主義や科学よりも、身近な体験や直観のプロセスの方が重要であると主張した。また、「デュレーション」という概念を提唱し、現代の時間、空間、因果関係の概念を再定義し、創造性、新規性、自由を強調した。カントの知識論や真理観を批判し、科学と形而上学、知性と直観の関係を再定義しようとし、思考の可能性を高めるために直観を用いる必要性を主張した。彼の哲学は、時間とアイデンティティ、自由意志、知覚、変化、記憶、意識、言語、数学の基礎、理性の限界といったテーマに触れている。ベルクソンの人生哲学は、同時代の機械論的な哲学や最終主義の失敗への対応と見ることができる。彼は、時間そのものが予期せぬ可能性を解き明かすものであるため、未来に対してあらかじめ計画を立てることは不可能であると考えた。ベルクソンは、博士論文『時間と自由意志』において、時間と意識の理論として「デュレーション」を紹介した: ベルクソンは、博士論文『時間と自由意志-意識の即時的データに関する試論』において、時間と意識の理論として「デュレーション」を紹介し、彼の哲学の基礎となる「エラン・ヴィタル」を、進化によって矛盾する傾向に分散していく生命における原初の衝動として発見しました。

In today's world, the idea of an open society has become increasingly relevant and important. With the rise of globalisation and the interconnectedness of the world, it has become clear that societies must embrace an open approach in order to thrive. An open society is one in which individuals are free to express themselves, to pursue their own interests and beliefs, and to engage in dialogue with others from different backgrounds and cultures.

An open society is characterised by its willingness to embrace change, to challenge existing norms and to seek out new ideas. It is a society in which people are free to challenge authority, to question assumptions, and to push the boundaries of knowledge and understanding. In contrast to a closed society, which seeks to impose a single worldview or set of values on its citizens, an open society values diversity and recognises the importance of different perspectives.

The concept of an open society has important implications for politics and governance. A truly open society requires political institutions that are transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs and concerns of citizens. It also requires a commitment to democratic values, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.

One of the key challenges facing open societies today is the rise of populism and authoritarianism. These forces seek to undermine the principles of openness and pluralism, and to promote a narrow, exclusionary vision of society based on fear and division. In order to resist these forces, it is essential that we reaffirm our commitment to the values of openness and pluralism, and that we work together to build strong, inclusive communities that embrace diversity and recognise the importance of dialogue and mutual respect.

In conclusion, the concept of an open society has never been more important than it is today. As we face the challenges of a rapidly changing world, we must embrace the values of openness and pluralism if we are to build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. By working together to create strong, inclusive communities that value diversity and dialogue, we can help to create a world that is more just, more equal, and more free.





