

Robert Kadlec as “Bad Santa”: The El-Hibris Cash In 


Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (p.824). Skyhorse. Kindle 版.


In turn, Kadlec supported Dr. Fauci's pet project, Moderna, the mRNA jab caper that Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates considered their Holy Grail. In mid-April 2020, Kadlec arranged for BARDA to provide Moderna up to $483 million to accelerate the Fauci/Gates vaccine's development and manufacturing. That amounted to about half of what BARDA doled out to all of Moderna's com- petitors combined, including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Astra-Zeneca.118


Kadlec was also generous to Bill Gates, arranging a $1.6 billion grant-the largest to date from Operation Warp Speed to Gates's biotech selection, Novavax. Although the company, based in Gaithersburg, Maryland, had never brought a vaccine to market in its thirty-three-year history, and was then on the verge of collapse, Gates and his obedient minions at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) had placed a bet on Novavax's tech- nology, which uses moth cells to pump out crucial molecules at a faster rate than typical vaccines.112 Kadlec's generosity with his Warp Speed wampum caused Novavax's stock to surge 30 percent. John J. Trizzino, Novavax's chief business and financial officer, said the company did nothing inappropriate but acknowledged that it used its connections to Gates to help win the deals.

カドレックはまた、ビル・ゲイツに寛大であり、ワープスピード作戦からゲイツのバイオテクノロジーセレクションであるNovavaxまで、これまでで最大の16億ドルの助成金を手配しました。メリーランド州ゲイサーズバーグに本拠を置く同社は、33年の歴史の中でワクチンを市場に投入したことがなく、その後崩壊の危機に瀕していましたが、ゲイツとエピデミック準備連合(CEPI)の従順な手下は、蛾の細胞を使用して通常のワクチンよりも速い速度で重要な分子を送り出すNovavaxの技術に賭けました112。 カドレックのワープスピードワムパムへの寛大さにより、ノババックスの株価は急騰しました30パーセント。Novavaxの最高事業・財務責任者(CFO)であるジョン・J・トリッツィーノ氏は、同社は不適切なことは何もしていないと述べたが、Gatesとのつながりを利用して取引を勝ち取ることができたことを認めた。

In September 2019, less than a month before COVID began circulating, the Gates Foundation made a $55 million pre-IPO equity investment in BioNTech. The company also had never brought a single product to mar- ket. 120 Soon afterward, the German government followed Gates with a $445 million infusion into BioNTech.121 On July 21, 2020, when Robert Kadlec committed Operation Warp Speed to a $2 billion purchase of 100 million doses of BioNTech/Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, 122 the company's stock value soared, with Bill Gates's equity shares increasing to an evaluation of $1.1 billion.

2019年9月、COVIDが流行する1か月も経たないうちに、ゲイツ財団はBioNTechに5,500万ドルのIPO前株式投資を行いました。同社はまた、単一の製品を市場に持ち込んだことがありませんでした。120その後まもなく、ドイツ政府はゲイツに続いてバイオンテックに4億4500万ドルを注入しました121。 2020年7月21日、ロバート・カドレックがワープスピード作戦を1億回分のビオンテック/ファイザーのCOVID-19ワクチンの20億ドルの購入にコミットしたとき、122 会社の株価は急上昇し、ビルゲイツの株式は11億ドルの評価に増加しました。

Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (p.832). Skyhorse. Kindle 版.


Characteristically, the assembled eminences bypassed any discussion of bolstering people's immune system response or testing and distributing off-label therapeutics and went directly to recommending militarized strategies including police state controls, mass propaganda and censorship, and the suspension of civil rights and due process rulemaking in favor of diktats by health authorities, all aimed at coercive vaccination of the population. These scenarios, which health officials and spooks conceived of and gamed back in 2005, became our collective reality in 2020 and 2021.


Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (p.835). Skyhorse. Kindle 版.

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