


英語学習のために自分の日記を英語訳して載せています。また原文となった日記は英文の後に載せています。自分がどんなことを英語で言いたかったかが分かれば幸いです。 もし英語が達者な人がいましたら、変な部分や言い回しをコメントで教えてくださいね。


I want to feed the pigeons

I work on the fifth floor of a building. And my office desk is near the window. (I'm not a Madogiwa-zoku by any means.) While I was at work, I looked at the window and saw five or so pigeons resting on a little space near the window. Anim

    • I was a believer in protein

      Protein is an essential nutrient. A human body is composed of protein. A composition of a human body, excluding water, has the highest protein weight. Not to mention muscles, organs, skin, bones, and hair are all composed mainly of protein.

      • I'll be a top reviewer

        I use Google Maps a lot. No matter how close I am to the city, I turn on Google Maps. I commute to work on a scooter every day with my phone in my phone holder, and I always keep an eye on the traffic while looking at Google Maps. I alway

        • One of my favorite things

          One of my favorite things is a washlet. It's a toilet seat with a nozzle that comes out of the toilet seat with a single button, and you can wash your anus with water. It's a product of Japanese industrial technology, developed by the Japa

        I want to feed the pigeons

          I met a rare person

          I went to the city hall today. There are many pigeons in the square in front of the city hall. As I approached the city hall, all the pigeons near the entrance of the hall took off at once. Then a lady walking in front of me said, "I'm scar

          I met a rare person