
I started this second note page because I h…


I started this second note page because I have been translating my Japanese essays into English to be AI auto-translation-friendly.


  • Chinese Dramas & Language

    In this magazine, I share my impressions of Chinese dramas and embark on my journey to learn Mandarin Chinese.


  • 固定された記事

When I returned to the US after a short stay in Japan, I could not face reality and sought solace in Chinese fantasy period dramas.

In late October 2023, I visited Japan for the first time in five years. I live in a college town in the Midwestern United States. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, I visited Japan every other year. However, due to the global lockdown, I had to

    • "The Tactics Between the Chinese Learning App's Smooth-Talking AI, Li Ming, and Me"

      "I think you should interact more with real people," a Malaysian Chinese person advised me during a language exchange chat. He seemed concerned because I passionately discussed the back-and-forth battle I've been having with AI (Artificial

      • "I'm hitting a wall with the Super Chinese learning app. Conversations with the handsome AI teacher aren't going smoothly."

        As a result of immersing myself in Chinese dramas since the end of last year, my goal for the New Year in 2024 has become Chinese language proficiency. I have only encountered Chinese through looking at menus at Chinese restaurants, and I

        • Chinese Drama Question: How long will she stay in a relationship with a man who claims to love her deeply but also mistreats her?

          It is quite unbelievable that even in contemporary Chinese dramas of the 21st century, there are still storylines where characters seek vengeance for their parents or make sacrifices to atone for their parents' sins.  Also, when a rich bus

        • 固定された記事

        When I returned to the US after a short stay in Japan, I could not face reality and sought solace in Chinese fantasy period dramas.

        • "The Tactics Between the Chinese Learning App's Smooth-Talking AI, Li Ming, and Me"

        • "I'm hitting a wall with the Super Chinese learning app. Conversations with the handsome AI teacher aren't going smoothly."

        • Chinese Drama Question: How long will she stay in a relationship with a man who claims to love her deeply but also mistreats her?


        • Chinese Dramas & Language