
1回目: The other day, I came the accident with Tom.
ループあり: The other day, I came across John by accident.
答え: The other day I came across John by accident
フィードバック: by accidentで「偶然」。The other day「先日」。came across「出くわす」

1回目: Where do you see him?
答え: Where did you see him?
フィードバック: 前の話をしてるんだからdid。意味はあってるけど。

1回目: I found him at strip? point.
ループあり: I found him in front of the strip? joint.
答え: I found him in front of the strip joint.
フィードバック: strip joint「ストリップ劇場」。まさかのあってた。
