
A Characteristic to Act Impulsively

What do people usually do on weekends?
I always try to move somewhere else without fail. In fact, I feel like moving. No one around me understands why I bother to travel for over an hour, especially by train.
The answer is simple: it's because it brings me peace of mind. Although it costs time and money, it's deeply connected to my mental well-being. Another reason is that it allows me to gather firsthand information. There are things you can't notice until you go there. It's about refreshing and adding to my knowledge base.
When you're in one place, you only have access to the information available there. No matter how much the internet prevails, I believe there's nothing quite like information obtained through the five senses. Furthermore, new ideas often emerge from the editing process of various things—a cross-pollination, so to speak. Actively going to different places presents excellent opportunities to encounter new things.
When you're in the countryside, you tend to encounter many people who have been there for a long time. Even outside the countryside, I believe there's a certain number of people who remain in one place and are unaware of other places. Those who continuously stay in one location, surrounded only by classmates, for example, often have outdated perspectives.
I think part of it is due to being surrounded by many negative examples, but I also just enjoy moving around. That's why I can't stop my curious nature and the urge to explore new things and places.

