



LinguaLive Lv.2 20200825

I've always had a fascination(魅了された)for computers and technology, and I made a few apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. I'd like to share a couple with you today. My first app was a unique fortune teller(占い師)called "Earth Fortune" t

LinguaLive Lv. 1 20200818 単語予習・復習

20200818開催のリンガライブに向けて、単語を予習しましょう! リンガライブ後も単語を復習してしっかりと身につけていきましょう! Here are 10 keywords for this week's LinguaLive!! 1. build 例文:build a long bridge 2. place 例文:There is no place like home. 3. village 例文:Live in a small village. 4. h

LinguaLive Lv.2 20200818

Why are gas stations always built right next to other gas stations? Why can I drive for a mile without finding a coffee shop and then stumble(偶然出会う)across three on the same corner? Why do grocery stores, auto repair shops and restaurants al

LinguaLive Lv. 1 20200804 単語予習・復習

20200804開催のリンガライブに向けて、単語を予習しましょう! リンガライブ後も単語を復習してしっかりと身につけていきましょう! Here are 10 keywords for this week's LinguaLive!! 1. house 例文:I live in a large house - House is a building that people, usually one family, live in. 2. home 例文:I live

LinguaLive Lv.1 20200804


LinguaLive Lv.1 20200728


LinguaLive Lv.2 20200728

At some point between the 1st and 5th century CE, the Hindu sage Patañjali began to codify the ancient, meditative traditions practiced throughout India. He recorded techniques nearly as old as Indian civilization itself in 196 manuals call

LinguaLive Lv.1 20200721

LinguaLive Lv.2 20200721

In 1997, in a game between France and Brazil, a young Brazilian player named Roberto Carlos. With no direct line to the goal, Carlos decided to attempt the seemingly impossible. His kick sent the ball flying wide of the players, but just be

LinguaLive Lv.1 20200714

Should schoolchildren have jobs? Multiple Careers

LinguaLive Lv.2 20200714

Your favorite athlete closes in for a victorious(勝ち誇る)win. The crowd holds its breath, and, at the crucial moment, she misses the shot. That competitor just experienced the phenomenon known as choking(あがり), where despite months, even years

LinguaLive Lv.1 20200707 Job

職業Accountants Look after the finances in an organisation. They work in an office. Bakers Bake bread. They work in a bakery. Barbers Shave men's beards and cut men's hair. They work in a barbers. Chefs Prepare and cook food. They wor


For some, it's a serious sport. For others, just a way to let loose. But despite its casual association with fun and sun, surfing has a richer and deeper history than many realize. What we today call surfing originated in the Polynesian i

LinguaLive Lv.1 20200623 Bees

Vocabulary for beesbuzz v. ブンブンと飛ぶ A bee is buzzing around. honey n. 蜂蜜 sweet as honey 蜂のように甘い sting v. 刺す Bees don't want to sting you because they die. produce v. 生産する A Queen Bee can produce 2,000 eggs a day. cell n. 蜂の巣の穴 The cell i