
Vocabulary Quiz



Lv.2 Technology

1. A: John, are you really sure you can fix this computer yourself? B: Don't worry, it's a piece of ( ). I had the same problem with my computer.   1. meat   2. bread   3. pizza   4. cake piece of cake という表現で楽なこと、簡単

Lv.1 Technology

1. A: Mary, the TV is too ( ). Will you turn it down a little? B: OK, Dad.    1. loud   2. gentle   3. regular   4. emotional 気づかないうちにテレビの音量やイヤホンの音量が上がってしまっていることってありますよね。耳にとって健康ではないので、気をつけたいところです。正解は 1. loud(うるさい、「音が」大きい)です

Lv.2 The universe

1. A: Why can we see the World Cup which is held in South African on TV? B: That's because we have ( ) in space.   1. signature   2. bargains   3. satellites   4. ballrooms 私たち人間が宇宙に持っているものとはなんでしょうか。宇宙船?ロケット?テレビを見るために

Lv.1 Transport

1. A: Welcome to Japan, Kelly! How was your ( )? B: Fine, but I'm a little tired. I couldn't sleep very well on the plane.   1. shrine   2. interest   3. ticket   4. flight 一番最後の単語を見てみましょう。plane(飛行機)とありますね。Aの文ではどうだった?と

Lv.2 People

1. In many countries throughout the world, it is the ( ) for people to shake hands when they meet for the first time.   1. custom   2. nature   3. success   4. support たくさんの国では初めて会う人に握手をすることが習慣、風習とされていますよね。特に英語圏の国では自己紹介

Lv.1 Food and culture

1. A: Would you like some more juice, Bob? Your glass is ( ). B: Yes, please.   1. empty   2. full   3. busy   4. open グラスがからになっているという表現です。そのほかにもempty houseで誰もいない家、empty streetで人通りのない道など、色々と使える単語です。覚えていきましょう!正解は 1. empty

Lv.2 Language

1. Hiroshi was born in New York and lived in the United States until he was 12 years old, so ( ) he speaks English very well.   1. naturally   2. gradually   3. suddenly   4. widely naturallyは自然に。graduallyは徐々に。suddenlyは突

Lv.1 Language

1. Hiroshi was born in New York and lived in the United States until he was 12 years old, so ( ) he speaks English very well.   1. naturally   2. gradually   3. suddenly   4. widely naturallyは自然に。graduallyは徐々に。suddenlyは突