
Message from the actor Keanu Reeves

Message from the actor Keanu Reeves
(translated back to English from Japanese version of his message, so the words are probably different but you get the sense of what he wants to say.)

We are so caught up in the daily grind that we forget to look at the beauty in life. We live like zombies.
Look up and take off your headphones.
Say hello to someone whose eyes meet yours or give a hug to someone who looks like they are having a hard time.
Help someone.
Live each day as if it is the last day of your life.
A few years ago I was depressed but never told anyone else so no one knew about this and I had to find my own way out of depression.
The only thing that was preventing me from being happy was myself.
Now, each day is precious, so live each day as a precious day.
There is no guarantee that there will be a tomorrow, so live today!

Most people know me, but they do not know about my life.

When I was three years old, I watched my father leave home.

I went to four different schools for high school, but struggled more than most others because of my dyslexia, making it more difficult for me to get an education.

When I was 23, my closest friend, River Phoenix, died of a drug overdose.

In 1998 I met Jennifer Sime and we fell in love with each other at first sight.
In 1999, Jennifer became pregnant with a girl. Sadly, however, eight months later our child was stillborn.
Her death left us both too terribly discouraged and this ultimately ended our relationship.
Eighteen months later, Jennifer died in a car accident.
After that, I began to avoid serious relationships and having children.

My sister had leukemia, but she is cured now. I donated 70% of my earnings from the Matrix series of films to a hospital that treats leukemia patients.

I am probably the only Hollywood star who does not live in a mansion.
I don't have a bodyguard and I don't wear expensive clothes.
I am a star worth $100 million (¥10 billion), and I still ride the subway, and I love it!

In the end, I think we can all agree that great people can live powerfully in the midst of any dire situation.

Whatever is happening in your life, you can get through it!

Life is worth living. You are who you are today because of all that you have struggled through in your life. Times of hardship only make you stronger, so be thankful for those times.

My friend's mother has eaten healthy throughout her life.
She never consumed alcohol or "bad" foods, exercised daily, was very flexible, very active, took all the supplements her doctor recommended, always wore sunscreen when in the sun, and spent as little time in the sun as possible.
I was very active. In short, she took her health as far as anyone could think of.
But now, at age 76, she has cancer, bone marrow cancer, and very serious osteoporosis.

On the other hand, my friend's father ate tons of bacon, butter, and fat, never really exercised, tanned himself until he was bright red every summer, and lived life to the fullest without listening to anyone else's instructions. He is 81 years old and, according to his doctor, his health is at the level of a young man. You can never completely escape poison.
Poison is everywhere and will not miss you.

The mother of a friend of mine who is still alive said, "If my life was going to end like this, I would have done all the things I was told not to do and chosen to enjoy life more!”

No one is alive when they leave this world, so please stop treating yourself with too much seriousness.
Eat good food.
Walk in the sun.
Dive into the ocean.
The truth is that you carry your heart like a hidden treasure.

Do silly things.
Live gently.

There is no time in life for anything else. I was raised to show respect. I was taught to knock before I opened the door. When you enter a room.
Greet them. Please and thank you.
please and thank you.
I was taught to be respectful to those who were older than me. If I am sitting in a seat and someone else needs a seat, I will give it up.

If someone needs help, I don't just stand there and watch, I offer my hand.
Hold the door for someone coming in behind you and say "Excuse me" when necessary.

I love people not because of what I can get out of them, but because of who they are.

Most importantly, you were raised to treat others the way you would want to be treated by others. That is respect. If you were raised the same way, please share this with us!

It doesn't matter how big your house is, how nice your car looks, or how much money you have in your bank account.

Our graves are all the same.
Let us continue to live humbly.
