
Tears of the Bathtub: Overcoming Darkness, Embracing Self-Acceptance

As night falls, I find my way to the quiet sanctuary of my bathroom. This place is where the weight of my heart dissolves and flows away with the pure water. Living with the nuances of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), I face daily barriers. Misunderstandings in the delicate interplay of communication with others often shake my sense of self-worth.

As I immerse myself in the warm water, the turmoil within quietly begins to melt away. The water, like magic, washes away my struggles, transforming the darkness of my heart into something luminous. In the bath, I let go of the day's burdens and confront myself with a bare heart. It's a daily ritual of introspection and self-acceptance.

When the water cools, I leave the bathtub. This moment marks the end of introspection and the beginning of returning to my original self. As I step out of the bathroom, I might not be completely transformed, and the power to take a step towards the future may still be beyond my reach, but at least my heart feels a bit lighter. This temporary retreat may not bring about significant change, but it is part of the process of understanding and accepting myself.

By overcoming the darkness and returning to my original self, my heart becomes slightly lighter.
