


The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.  (Ernest Hemingway)

  ヘミングウェイは some と言っている。誰でも苦しみの中で強くいられるわけではない。それは、受験勉強やアスリートの世界でも同じことだ。誰もが難関大に合格できるわけではないし、誰もがメダリストになれるわけではない。




 Hemingway says some. Not everyone can stay strong in the face of suffering. It is the same in the world of examinations and athletes. Not everyone can pass a difficult university or become a medalist.

 Only those who work hard and remain determined in the face of hardship will be rewarded. At the level of the old imperial or national university medical school, 90% of people give up. It is the same for athletes and entertainers. Because there are losers, the winners shine and the rewards are great.

 Teachers in schools try to avoid this kind of competition excessively. But no matter what the teachers say, the children know. In athletics, the slow learner is made fun of. In studies, idiots are made fun of. On the other hand, beautiful and good-looking people who make no effort are praised.

 So, what the teachers say sounds like "hypocritical nonsense.
