


福原愛 准教授就任から15カ月でついに講義決定!青森大学は「誇りに思う」




 It shows the extent of Aomori University. They have no idea how much this kind of guest panda appointment hurts the authority of the university. If they decided that it was in the best interest of the university to invite someone who had left her children behind and was dating a man other than her husband to be a member of the university faculty, then that is all there is to the executive board. I wonder what kind of guidance they can get from such a faculty member.

 Will they be able to give lectures of a standard that is appropriate for an institution of higher education? I don't care what happens to Aomori University, but I can only say that I feel sorry for the current students.

 Does she have the ability to teach a 90-minute class that has substance and attracts students?

