


Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.   (Eleanor Roosevelt)








 Many people have difficulty with long-answer questions in English. It is not only my excellent English language skills (grammar and vocabulary) that allow me to exceed 80% on the Eiken Level 1 and Kyoto University's second exam. No matter how perfect my Japanese is, it would be impossible for me to read medical or philosophical books. You need Japanese plus knowledge of your field of expertise.

 I can get a high score because I have been exposed to numerous topics during my more than 30 years of explaining past examinations of the former imperial universities. The long-answer questions of the former Imperial University and national university medical schools cover a wide range of topics, including religion, philosophy, medicine, science in general, and information. In order to explain the content to students, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of each of these fields, which can be broad and shallow.

 Silly students stop studying English or mathematics because they do not like the teacher (instructor). This type is often seen in girls who have intense feelings of like and dislike. The next worst type of student is the one who is happy or sad about the score of the exam in front of him or her. Again, emotions come first.

 They should really follow the logical context behind each question.

"A is better than B." "P is better than S."

"P-sensei is better than S-sensei.

 They are only interested in what is on the surface.
