

イングランド・ラフバラー大学(Loughborough University)の学生がHudlとのパートナーシップでどんな恩恵を受けたか、を紹介した記事。一部抜粋でお送りします。

Having excelled through the Coach and Volunteer Academy in his second year of study, Henry dedicated his time as a performance analyst with our Loughborough Mens Rugby programme working with both our National 1 and BSR teams. This experience paired with our unique partnership between the University and Hudl, who produce performance analysis software has lead to his placement with Leicester Tigers this season.

大学2年時のコーチとボランティアアカデミーで優秀な成績を残したヘンリーは、Loughborough Mens Rugbyプログラムによってナショナル1チームとBSRチームのパフォーマンスアナリストとして活動しました。今シーズンのレスター・タイガース(プレミアシップ・ラグビー)への彼の派遣は、大学とHudlとの間のユニークなパートナーシップによって実現しました。

Hudl’s partnership with Loughborough Sport benefits students by giving them access to industry standard software and platforms coined with hands on experience. Henry’s experience using this software secured him the perfect placement at Leicester Tigers.


Henry’s placement is fully embedded into the performance analysis team at Leicester Tigers supporting the 1stXV in all aspects of analysis delivery. Henry is responsible for the filming and coding of training sessions, assisting with the preview of opposition and assists with a number of aspects of analysis both post and during the game.


Rugby Club Coordinator and Loughborough Sport Performance Analysis Lead Andy-Rhys Jones
“HUDL is pivotal to our performance analysis service at Loughborough giving us the tools to analyse in a thorough and professional way. It is also great for our student analysts to become fluent on the tools that are used so widely within professional sport. Having worked with Henry last year it is excellent to see how well he has progressed in his placement at Leicester Tigers. He has developed massively as an analyst and his progress is a real testament to how hard he has worked. He has certainly put himself in an excellent position to progress into an analysis career.”

大学のラグビー部コーディネータで、スポーツパフォーマンス分析リードのAndy-Rhys Jonesはこう述べています。





