
Day 1,607: discombobulate, heretical, artefact

All this can be discombobulating, not least when the prices you pay for food and energy have risen at an unusually fast pace. So ingrained is the idea that workers are suffering in today’s world that claiming otherwise is almost heretical; the dissenting inequality research has sparked an ill-tempered debate among economists.

To understand what is going on, it helps to consider that the blue-collar bonanza is not just an artefact of the statistics: it makes intuitive sense, too.

Artwork of the day 
Conversion of the Heretic
Benozzo Gozzoli
Date: 1464 - 1465
Style: Early Renaissance
Genre: religious painting
Media: fresco
Location: Sant'Agostino Church, San Gimignano, Italy

Word of the day 
discombobulate: to confuse someone or make someone feeluncomfortable
heretical: (of a belief) against the principles of a particular religion
artefact: an object that has been made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest

Quote of the day
Today, the media handle information as if it was a religious artefact.
Paul Virilio
