
Day 115 Scrum powered by Honda

A few months ago, I read an article that Scrum, an agile way to plan and produce a product/ service, was originally invented by Honda.
Honda was a small player with less resources, to catch up with the bigger competitors.
So they needed to move with speed and with some experimental trials for new products.

Now, we, Japanese, have been importing "Scrum" in agile and/or lean methodologies, from the US companies.

It is an interesting point that we maybe stick too rigidly on the perfectness and transcendence to produce with agile, on the other hand, the American players move so quickly not to be behind of the market trends.

As the history repeats itself, will we see that we will export our ideas or methodologies just like Honda did in the past?

Word of the day:
transcendence : 超越
Quote of the day:
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
-Karl Marx
