
Day 106: Byron

Again, the UK related topi...
Somehow, I'm reading Byron's poetics...
I'm no poet at all, hell no....
I haven't liked poem.

Then suddenly, I felt like, I should probably read one of the poems, properly.
So, with no reason, I picked up Byron, purchased from Amazon.

Contrary to my expectation, they are interesting, exciting, and a littler easier to read.
Maybe because he was not only naive as with often the case with the other poets, but also wild, natural, and strenuous.
I'm not sure if I I have a feeling of yearning to him.
I'm sure I would love to travel just like he did.
But I'm sure I won't create that kind of poems... If I could, I would have been a very different type of person, not writing this type of note...!

Word of the day:
strenuous : 力強い、激しい、非常に活発な

Quote of the day:
“Poets are shameless with their experiences: they exploit them.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
