
Day 285: Sponsored by HInako Shibuno

I was told that the one left below thing in the photo the day before should not be vegetable food.

Yes, I have to confess, that is not vegetable.

This is it.
Japanese snack which became popular by Hinako Shibuno, Women's British Open winner last year.


スクリーンショット 2020-05-04 16.00.58

Her winning brought a kind of upheaval in the Japanese women's golf society.
But it should also has brought upheaval for this snack company.

She sure was a great sponsor for this snack.
By the way, I bought this huge bottle-pack at Costco, and this is too big to complete eating...

Word of the day
upheaval : 激変、大混乱 
Quote of the day
“I still feel like I’m going to vomit,” Shibuno said moments after her victory.
