
Day 25 : Salad

If you are a vegetarian, or not, I believe it’s a little difficult to eat fresh salad everyday.

This man, still young as he is in early 30s, decided to eat salad everyday because he thinks he should take action to his eating-a-little-too-much behavior.

What a young man! He’s a man of prudence.

I didn’t know how nice it was to see a photo of salad everyday. Very refreshing!!

Any looking at the photo makes me feel like I’m a healthy guy just like him, Mokkos!!

Salad, for 1,000 days. We could say it’s reasonable to have 1,000 varieties of salad everyday. Because salad is very healthy, and very limitless.

Word of the day:
Prudence (慎重さ、思慮分別)

Quote of the day:
No phone, a movie, a glass of wine, and some salad. Perfect!   -Kate Moss
